Hi Patrick,
Thanks for your suggestions! I answered to their comments.
I hope that they still like me after this:-)
Cheers, Wouter
On 4/25/13 2:43 PM, Patrick Koppenburg wrote:
Hi Wouter,
About 1. : They did not get the question. The GL is trained on background without phis. So it's useless to fight background with phis. Or their sentence is unclear.
I find the reply on the mass fit a bit short. "Therefore we are confident that our signal is well described by a combination of a Crystal Ball and a secondary gaussian that is a model also used in other LHCb analysis." The fact that it was used in analyses where it does not matter not relevant. In this analysis it matters a lot and we'd like to see a study of the mass shape in a sample without background. But looking at the analysis note (p.7) they have a quite good fit to MC with that model.
"The non-resonant part of the signal is not a background and is indeed part of what we report. See the abstract: "29.9±6.4B0s→(K+K−)(K±π∓) candidates are found in mass windows 746\mevcc<M(K±π∓)<1046\mevccand 1012\mevcc<M(K+K−)<1026\mevcc" "
well, sure but the title says observation of phiK*.
On 04/24/2013 09:17 AM, Wouter Hulsbergen wrote:
Dear all,
Please see this link
for answers to our comments on the B->phiK* paper.
Cheers, Wouter
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Dear LHCb Colleague, The comment (LHCB-PAPER-2013-012-001-COMMENT-005) that you made on LHCB-PAPER-2013-012-001 (entitled: 'First observation of the decay $B_s^0 \to\phi\bar{K}^{*0}$') has itself been commented on by Cibran Santamarina Rios [CERN - PH/ULB] (cibran.santamarina.rios@cern.ch).
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