PS. Here is the list with questions discussed today, in case you want to read more:
On Tue, 4 Sep 2012, Niels Tuning wrote:
Dear all,
Note that the Higgs meeting is now, ie. at 10:30 in H331 (and not at 11:30 as earlier advertised).
Cheers, Niels
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 04 Sep 2012 10:00:59 +0200 From: Ivo van Vulpen To:,, Marcel Merk, Niels Tuning, Aart Heijboer, frank linde, Michiel Botje Subject: Informal Nikhef Higgs theory-experiment meeting: connection details
Dear all,
For today's meeting we'll try to set up an EVO meeting to allow people from CERN and Nijmegen to connect. Note that both agenda and evo meeting are password-protected (brout).
-> EVO meeting Title: Informal Nikhef Higgs meeting (Universe) Password: brout
-> Indico agenda: slides, only for experimental talks password: brout
See all those interested at 10:30 in H331 at NIkhef.
Marieke & Ivo
On 9/3/12 12:44 PM, Ivo van Vulpen wrote:
Dear collleagues,
This is a short reminder that tomorrow we'll have our informal meeting between theorists and experimentalists to discuss a few of the issues related to the Higgs boson discovery. Especially things we are uncomfortable about asking in a official setting, but we simply need to know.
-> Questions so far:
Thank you all for asking your questions. We have tries to group them: We have tried to included part of the discussion (not all) and will try to formulate some short answers if possible also there for later reference. If you do not find your question there, please send us a mail.
-> Meeting details: start 10:30 hours !
For several reasons we have had to move our starting time again. Only by 0.5 hours luckily, so we'll start at 10:30 hours. ------------------------------------- Date: Tuesday September 4th Time: 10:30-12:00 hours [Note new time] Where: Nikhef, H331 -------------------------------------
We will try to set up a video connection between Nikhef and CERN as well.
Hope to see you there tomorrow.
With kind regards,
Marieke, Eric, Stan and Ivo