- “The acceptance of the measurement … in the range
60-120 GeV”. This sentence does not read well and has to be
rewritten. Some suggestions. Write "The acceptance of the
detector” or “For this measurement the acceptance is defined …”.
Write “defined to be in the pseudorapidity range 2 < eta
< 4.5 and for transverse momenta above 20 GeV for the
electrons ..."
- “arising FROM the luminosity”
- “which is given as the third uncertainty”. The
antecedent of which is not clear. As it is now, the antecedent
is “luminosity effects”. Suggestion “… , the second is
systematic (excluding luminosity effects) and the third arises
from the uncertainty on the luminosity.”
- Remove “also” in “Differential cross-sections are
also presented…”. Or move “also” to the start of the sentence.
Main text:
L216: “whose good acceptance”. Good sounds strange
here. Not clear what you mean. Maybe use “effective” instead.
L216: “extends UP to”
L218: Remove “particularly"
L226-7: “momentum-analysing magnet” sounds a bit
strange. The magnet is not analysing. In the second part of the
sentence you say that the energy of the electrons is frequently
degraded, which sounds weird. Suggest: “..before they reach the
magnet, and their momentum measurement is therefore degraded by
L227: Start new sentence at which and replace “all”
with completely: “This effect cannot be completely recovered..."
L229: “In consequence the eletron direction..”.
Suggest “As a consequence the initial electron direction…”
L230: “their measured energies” -> “their
measured momenta” (we measure momenta; not energies)
L230: Add comma after “Therefore”
L237: Remove “respectively”. It is not needed, since
there is no ambiguity possible.
L244: remove “and”
L245: replace first “and” with “, from”. And write
“and FROM AN improved modelling…”
Footnote 1: "A decay Z->ee with the formation of
ee through a Z” is not correct. The direct decay does not go
through another Z. Suggest: “possibly through a virtual photon,
including the effect of the interference with the direct
Footnote 2: keep on same page.
L249-252: This paragraph does not work. Sect 2 and 6
are missing. It now reads as if Sect 3 starts with detector and
triggers. Suggest: “Sect. 2 briefly describes …” And end with
“by a brief summary in Sect. 6.” Also note that Sect. 2 is
called “Detector and simulation”. So simulation should be
mentioned in L249 as well.
L254-5: Remove “covering the pseudorapidity range 2
< eta < 5”, since you have already discussed the effective
range previously. This sentence only confuses the reader (you do
no want to explain why it is defined differently here)
L273: remove “charged-particle”. This is implied by
L278: Remove “also”
L296-8: The clause “where E_ECAL, … respectively”
can be removed without any loss of information. The
abbreviations were already introduced.
L301+303: Add commas or spaces in the yields. E.g.
L302: Typo “aree” -> “are”
Eq.1: Add comma at the end of the equation.
Eq.2: No need to have periods at the end of Kin and
L327-8: Not clear what is meant with “electron and
positron yield reconstructed tracks”. Not needed either.
Suggest: “both tracks satisfy the selection requirements”.
L330: Replace “using” with “with” to avoid to write
use twice in the sentence.
L338: Remove quotation marks around true. You do not
have them in L326 either.
L340: Why not write Pythia 8.1 as in Section 2?
L354: “apart from the contribution from the
leptons”: why not write electrons? Suggest to be more clear: “…
after correcting for the additional SPD hits of the electrons”.
Fig. 1: If you define the symbol epsilon in the
caption, you need to put it in the y-axis title as well.
L357: electrons.
L375: Remove quotes around photon. Instead you could
write photon candidate.
L397: Remove quotes around probe.
L401: “independent of y_Z and phi*”. Assume that you
mean the same as on L385, i.e. that it is fully correlated
between bins. If so, use the same wording here.
L408: “as one of the systematic” -> “as a
L415: Remove quotes around probe.
L416: It is not the cut that fails, but the
candidate fails the cut. Suggest to write: “that it fails the
cut on the HCAL energy”
L431: “statistical error” should be “systematic
L454: “included some LHC data” sounds as if they
purposely neglected available LHC data. Suggest to delete
L460: “too” -> “as well”
L470+6: Write Pythia 8.1 as in Sect.2.
L482: Same remark as for abstract.
Fig. 4: Add unit to the left-hand y-axis [pb]. In
the caption, last-but-one sentence, remove the first occurrence
of “are shown”. Add hyphen in “leading-log”.
Fig. 5: In the y-axis title, right-hand plot add “ /
data": In the caption add hyphen in “leading-log”.
Ref 17: write collaboration with lowercase.
Dear all,
We have a paper on Z production to comment by our group.
The deadline is Tuesday 10 February.
Best date to discuss is at Friday 5 February, although
a few of us (Marcel, Wputer, Eddy and me) will be absent.
Does somebody volunteer to explain the paper and collect
Best regards,
First circulation of
publication draft for PAPER-2015-003, Measurement of
forward $Z\to e^+e^-$ production at $\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV
27 January, 2015 21:35:01 CET
Dear Colleagues,
A paper is available for your comments:
Title :
Measurement of forward $Z\to e^+e^-$
production at $\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV
Journal : JHEP
Contact authors : David Ward
Reviewers : Marc Grabalosa (chair),
Silvia Borghi
EB reviewer : Diego Tonelli
EB readers : Hassan Jawahery, Nicola
Analysis note : ANA-2014-086
Deadline : 10-Feb-2015
e-group :
Authors : LHCb
The following institutes are requested to
make institutional comments:
STFC (RAL), United Kingdom
IHEP, Protvino, Russia
ITEP, Moscow, Russia
LAL, Orsay, France
EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
NIKHEF, Netherlands
Please send any comments via the CDS system.
It is the responsibility
of the contact authors to provide replies on
all comments
made. Subsequent modification to the
publication are made in
consultation with the reviewers and during
the EB reading. Following
this, there will be a final meeting of the
editorial board with
contact authors and reviewers present where
final decisions are
made. As the last step a short presentation
is given to the
collaboration and the paper is sent for
You can find all paper and conference report
drafts open for comments
via the EB web-page, by clicking on Current
Rolf Oldeman
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