============================================================ Summary of the Friday 10 December 2010 Bfys Meeting at Nikhef ============================================================ Present: Victor Coco, Kristof De Bruyn, Daan van Eijk, Marcel Merk, Jan Amoraal, Veerle Heijne, Niels Tuning, Jeroen van Leerdam, Thomas Bauer, Tjeerd Ketel. Connected via EVO: Patrick Koppenburg, Nicola Serra, Barbara Storaci.
News by Marcel: - Niels has become Outer Tracker deputy project leader. Martin van Beuzekom is already Velo deputy project leader. - PhD and postdoc positions are available for LHCb. - The Letter of Intent for the LHCb Upgrade will be submitted in January. - Topical lectures on 13-15 December will be given by Niels, Patrick, Wouter and Marieke Postma on B-physics, CP-violation, rare B-decays and related cosmology. - The Nikhef jamboree is on 16-17 December in Nijmegen. For B-physics 90 minutes will be used for presentations by Marcel (20'), Patrick (30'), Daan (20') and Barbara (20').
Rehearsal presentations: - Bs to J/Psi phi: The search for New Physics has started, by Daan van Eijk - Looking for the rare decay Bs to mu+mu-, by Barbara Storaci.
The presentations are not on the Nikhef calendar due to a technical problem. Find the final presentations on Friday 17. ============================================================