============================================================ Summary of the Friday 23 September 2011 Bfys Meeting at Nikhef ============================================================ Present: Fabian Jansen, Wouter Hulsbergen, Niels Tuning, Gerhard Raven, Eddy Jans, Siim Tolk, Manuel Schiller, Francesco Dettori, Serena Oggero, Rob Lambert, Marcel Merk, Tjeerd Ketel. Connected via EVO: Roel Aaij.
News (Marcel): - Face transitions. New members are welcomed: Ali Suvayu, Siim Tolk, Manuel Schiller, Francesco Dettori, Rob Lambert. - Gerhard Raven is appointed full professor at the VU university. - The 'Najaarsbijeenkomst' on 4 November in Lunteren will have contributions by Serena and Roel. - The Amsterdam Particle Physics Symposium (APPS 2011) will take place during 30/11-2/12 and will have three talks by LHCb. - The review of Nikhef by NWO went very well this week. - The Beauty 2011 proceedings are almost complete. - Topics for the coming Bfys Meetings: - Zootuple analyzes on 14 October (Manuel) - LHCb-PAPER-2011-021, Bs->K*K* (still looking for a presenter)
CP violation in D->h-h+ analysis: Fabian explained the analysis (see the Nikhef agenda page). There was a lot of discussion.
Please, repeat me your main comments or suggestions, if you want them to be recorded.
Best regards, Tjeerd ============================================================