Summary of the Bfys meeting on 24 May ===================================== News (Marcel): - Jeroen van Tilburg has obtained a Vidi grant to work with LHCb. He will probably start in September for Nikhef. - Alexandr defended his PhD Thesis very well yesterday at the VU University. - The VELO workshop this week at Nikhef on the Technology Choice for the LHCb Upgrade was fruitfull and well organized. - At the LHCb week at CERN starting June 3rd the new physics coordinator will be elected. One of the candidates is Patrick. - The Bfys workshop from 24-26 June in Renesse is organized by Patrick and Gerhard. Please, respond to the questionaire. - Vasileios and Jeroen will take care of the introduction and discussion of LHCb-PAPER-2013-023 on Friday 31 May 10:00 in N328. "A Measurement of the polarisation amplitudes in $B^0 \to J/\psi K^{*}(892)^{0}$ decay""
Introduction and discussion of LHCb-PAPER-2013-028 (Hella): Hella introduced the paper and there was a discussion about the applied cuts and the treatment of the background. Hella will collect the comments and upload them at CDS this evening as the deadline is today May 24st.