Dear all, Let me take the opportunity to mention that the physics results at CKM contain various important contributions from Nikhef people! Indeed, please note (if you haven't done so already) that part of the "dutch" work is reflected in the colours of the B->Dpi and Bs->Dspi mass curves. ;-)
Cheers, - Marcel
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Guy Wilkinson Date: 7 September 2010 00:56 Subject: final plots for CKM To: "lhcb-general (LHCb General mailing list)"
Dear all,
After the Tuesday meeting last week work went on to refine and add to the plots proposed for and approved for CKM. These were then discussed some more at the Friday afternoon meeting at which the charm cross-section results were presented.
I have uploaded to both the Tuesday meeting page:
and that of Friday:
the same file, listed under 'Approval Summary' which collects together the final plots. (Please dont look here for documentation or explanation - this can be found in the referring talks) Several plots are significantly improved w.r.t. the Tuesday meeting, in particular the very nice B0->D+pi- and Bs->Dspi peaks.
The originals will be uploaded to the plots web-page next week.
Thanks to all who worked hard to make these results possible.
I also take the opportunity to mention that in the Friday meeting the preliminary charm cross-section results were also approved. Congratulations to the analysts, and thanks to the referees for their hard work.
regards, Guy