Hi All,
For those who may not be on ph-dep-info-seminars (one can actually subscribe to that list, I just noticed).
Dear all,
Please find details and poster related to the CERN-LHC Seminar TODAY on Tuesday 12th of August in the Council Chamber (503/1-001) at 11h00:
“Gamma measurements in Bs->DsK and other tree-level decays” by Manuel Tobias Schiller (NIKHEF (NL))
Abstract: The angle gamma is the least constrained parameter in the CKM unitarity triangle. Its determination in decays induced by tree-level b -> u transitions is largely unaffected by potential new physics contributions. This allows for a consistency check of the unitarity triangle, but also of comparisons with gamma determinations from modes with loop-diagrams. We present here a new precise determination of gamma using a time-dependent flavour-tagged analysis of Bs -> Ds K decays with the LHCb experiment. New developments in flavour tagging are presented.
Please note that a Webcast will be available for this Seminar.
Kind regards, Claire