Begin forwarded message:
From: Franz Herzog Subject: [Nikhef-theory-seminar] Thursday: Miguel Nebot Gómez Date: 5 Apr 2016 17:52:11 GMT+2 To:
Dear all,
This Thursday, the 7th of April at 14:00 in room H331, we will have a seminar by Miguel Nebot Gómez from IFIC Valencia.
Please find title and abstract below.
Title: "Controlled flavour changing Higgs couplings in a class of two Higgs doublet models"
Abstract: Enlarged scalar sectors such as two Higgs doublet models are an interesting class of extensions of the Standard Model. Flavour changing couplings of neutral scalar fields, if not tamed, may constitute a serious source of concern attending to the impressive body of existing experimental constraints. In particular, mixing of the different neutral scalar fields present in such scenarios can yield a would-be Standard Model 125 GeV scalar with (1) modified flavour conserving couplings, (2) flavour changing couplings to (a) quarks in the up or down sectors, and (b) charged leptons. Considering constraints from the LHC run I and from flavour data, an analysis of a class of two Higgs doublet models where flavour changing interactions arise in a symmetry-controlled manner is presented. In particular, attention is devoted to the prospects for flavour changing processes such as lepton flavour changing Higgs decays $h\to \mu\tau$ (as hinted by LHC run I data), to decays to down quarks $h\to bs,bd$ and to top decays $t\to hq$ of interest for LHC run II and future colliders. _______________________________________________ Nikhef-theory-seminar mailing list