Dear Niels,
Sorry, I am late with my final comments. I combined them with the text you circulated already yesterday in the attachment (comments-bfys-13092013a.txt).
Best regards, Tjeerd
On Mon, 16 Sep 2013, Niels Tuning wrote:
Hi Maurizio,
- I found the abstract difficult to read due to a slightly confused
period. Can you try to remove a few commas and separate sentences? -> Would you have a concrete suggestion?
I would actually rephrase removing all the commas, but I am not a native english speaker, and I am maybe biased. "The f1(1285) mixing angle between the strange and non-strange components of its wave function in the qqbar structure model is determined to be +-(...)."
- L351-352: [Q: We don't understand this sentence and it's importance in
the context.] -> what do you mean exactly?
I don't understand what is the decay model they are referring to in the paper. Maybe I am missing something. Can you help me?
Mh, there phrasing is quite sloppy: "For the B0 high mass shape we change from a Gaussian shape to a second order polynomial."
I think they mean this: "For the shape of the m(4pi) distribution above the f1(1285) resonance in the B0 case, the Gaussian shape is changed to a second order polynomial."
Cheers, Niels
- L363: How are these factors calculated?
-> I would be tempted to omit this comment?
can be removed.
Maurizio Martinelli LHCb Nikhef CERN, office 13-1-26 CH-1211 Genève Tel: +41 (0)227676309
On Sep 13, 2013, at 4:59 PM, Niels Tuning wrote:
Hi Maurizio,
I am collecting the various comments. I've got a few questions to you;
- I found the abstract difficult to read due to a slightly confused
period. Can you try to remove a few commas and separate sentences? -> Would you have a concrete suggestion?
- L351-352: [Q: We don't understand this sentence and it's importance in
the context.] -> what do you mean exactly?
- L363: How are these factors calculated?
-> I would be tempted to omit this comment?
Ciao, Niels
On Thu, 12 Sep 2013, Maurizio Martinelli wrote:
Hi Tjeerd,
unfortunately I cannot attend the meeting this friday because I'll be in Krakow. I took anyway the advantage of the flight to read this paper and I have a few comments, that you can find attached.
Maurizio Martinelli LHCb Nikhef CERN, office 13-1-26 CH-1211 Genève Tel: +41 (0)227676309
On Sep 5, 2013, at 2:31 PM, Tjeerd Ketel wrote:
Dear all,
I propose to discuss this paper on 13 September Friday morning 10-11 h. It would be nice if somebody volunteered to give a short introduction and collect the comments. Please, let me know as soon as possible. Deadline for our comments on CDS is 17 September.
Best regards, Tjeerd
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2013 20:47:20 +0000 From: Rolf Oldeman To: "lhcb-general (LHCb General mailing list)" Subject: First circulation of publication draft for PAPER-2013-055, Observation of $\overline{B}^0_{(s)}\to J/\psi f_1(1285)$ decays and measurement of the $f_1(1285)$ mixing angle
Dear Colleagues,
A paper is available for your comments:
Title : Observation of $\overline{B}^0_{(s)}\to J/\psi f_1(1285)$ decays and measurement of the $f_1(1285)$ mixing angle
Journal : PRL Contact authors : Liming Zhang, Sheldon Stone Reviewers : Marco Pappagallo (chair), Jussara Miranda EB reviewer : Burkhard Schmidt EB readers : Joerg Marks, Eugenie Grauges Analysis note : ANA-2013-062 Deadline : 17-Sep-2013 e-group : lhcb-paper-2013-055-reviewers Link : Authors : LHCb Twiki :
The following institutes are requested to make institutional comments: Manchester, United Kingdom Cagliari, Italy Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute, Cracow, Poland Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow, Russia EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland NIKHEF, Netherlands
Please send any comments via the CDS system. It is the responsibility of the contact authors to provide replies on all comments made. Subsequent modification to the publication are made in consultation with the referees and during the EB reading. Following this, there will be a final meeting of the editorial board with contact authors and reviewers present where final decisions are made. As the last step a short presentation is given to the collaboration and the paper is sent for publication.
You can find all paper and conference report drafts open for comments via the EB web-page, by clicking on Current Drafts. .html
Regards, Rolf Oldeman
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