Dear colleagues,
Bfys Meeting Friday 25 September at 9:30 in N328 and Vidyo
9:30 - 9:55 Staff meeting (permanent staff only)
10:00 - 10:55 Status of the measurement of Asl Presented by Jacco de Vries and Laurent Dufour
Material (and also Vidyo link) at
Direct Vidyo link: (at LHCb Institutes -> Friday 24 October 2014 -> Nikhef Bfys Meeting) protected by PIN 1328.
Best regards, Tjeerd
Dear all,
A few technical remarks after the meeting: 1- I changed the slides to "only readable for the LHCb" group at Nikhef. The slides of Marcel are completely hidden, unless you login at the Nikhef indico page of the meeting. 2- The pdf from keynote could not be read by the presenter of the new group-macbook, although it was readable on other systems. 3- Fortunately, the group-laptop has now keynote as well. 4- Normally, I keep the presentation for the beamer and the vidyo on two different laptops. This did not work today as I had an ethernet cable connected to the second laptop, which inhibited indico pages. Therefore I could not share without interrupting the presentation. 5- Fortunately, Jacco did share the presentation on vidyo. 6- The projection screen as viewed with the Polycom camera showed a slow intensity beat. This will be avoided by setting the preference of the display for the beamer to 50 Hz (in stead of 60 Hz) on the group-mac. 7- The confusion with the link to a meeting in 2014 will be avoided next meeting by a direct vidyoportal link in the agenda.
Best regards, Tjeerd