---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Marcel Merk marcel.merk@nikhef.nl Date: 8 February 2010 08:43 Subject: Seminar Eduardo Rodrigues To: bfys-group@nikhef.nl
Dear Collegues,
I would like to announce and invite you for a special Seminar at Nikhef by a visiting guest Eduardo Rodrigues, on Tuesday 9 feb at 15h30 in room N328 with the title: "The Why, How and Where of Lepton Flavour Violation"
best regards, - Marcel
Abstract: Lepton number seems conserved in nature. Yet this conservation law does not come in naturally in the standard model. And, in fact, most models beyond it feature lepton number violation to some extent. Theoretically speaking, there is no reason for imposing lepton number conservation. Somewhat softer, lepton flavour violation in the neutral lepton sector has been proven just a few years ago and one is in the right to expect a similar violation in the charged lepton sector. The topic will be first motivated, stressing the links between particle physics and cosmology. The experimental situation and prospects for the future will then be reviewed.