WARNING: last change to object! Unless you object before the weekend, this _will_ happen.
— Gerhard
Begin forwarded message:
From: Jeff Templon templon@nikhef.nl Subject: [Stbc-users] preliminary conclusion : no SL5 on stoomboot. final reminder. Date: 23 Jan 2014 11:00:18 GMT+1 To: "stbc-users@nikhef.nl Stomboot MailList" stbc-users@nikhef.nl Cc: "stbc-admin@nikhef.nl" stbc-admin@nikhef.nl, programmaleiders@nikhef.nl
Beste Users and Program Leaders,
So far, nobody told us that they will need SL5 on the upgraded stoomboot. Furthermore, we've received information from both ATLAS and LHCb that their "official" code is guaranteed to be compatible with SL6. Our conclusion is that SL5 is *unnecessary* on the upgraded stoomboot; we plan to upgrade the entire cluster to SL6 (including all interactive nodes).
If you disagree with this statement you have until tomorrow afternoon (Friday 24th) to let us know!
Original message below.
Jeff and Ronald
As announced at the jamboree, the stoomboot cluster will be upgraded. Most of the installation is finished; before we can proceed in enabling the expanded cluster, we need to decide how to partition the cluster. The problem is illustrated in the figure below.
Some of the nodes will have no glusterFS access because the glusterFS service is not being expanded at this time; it would not be able to handle simultaneous file accesses from all nodes of the expanded cluster.
When upgrading the cluster we would prefer, for maintenance reasons, to upgrade the operating system to SL6 at the same time. We understand that some users may still require access to SL5; indications are that these same users will also need access to the GlusterFS service, which is why the picture is drawn as it is (no SL5 partition without GlusterFS access). We would like to hear from the following users:
- users who need glusterFS and who can work either on SL5 OR SL6
- users who need glusterFS access and who would prefer or even require SL6
- users who need glusterFS access and who absolutely cannot run on SL6
- users who do not need glusterFS access and who cannot run their code on SL6
With this information we can determine where to draw the boundaries.
*Please send your replies before Friday, January 24th per email to stbc-admin@nikhef.nl*
We remind you that an interactive node running SL6 is available for testing: stbc-isl6.nikhef.nl
Note our current plans are to upgrade two of the existing interactive stoomboot nodes to SL6, leaving the other two on SL5.
Providing legacy support for SL5 is a temporary situation; new developments should not rely on SL5 support!
We will organise a short presentation / Q&A session sometime in the coming weeks to introduce the new features of the system.
JT and RonaldS
Stbc-users mailing list Stbc-users@nikhef.nl https://mailman.nikhef.nl/mailman/listinfo/stbc-users