EGI BROADCAST TOOL : https://operations-portal.egi.eu/broadcast
Publication from : Emmanuel Medernach <grid-admin(a)clermont.in2p3.fr>
Targets : VO managers/vlemed <vlemed-vo-managers(a)biggrid.nl>
Dear all,
Please notice that clralicese01.in2p3.fr will be definitely decomissioned
With best regards,
IN2P3-LPC grid administrators
link to this broadcast :
START of LSG-AMC SCHEDULED downtime (OUTAGE) [24-10-2011 06:00 to 28-10-2011 15:00 UTC]
SCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 24-10-2011 06:00
End downtime [UTC]: 28-10-2011 15:00
Entities in downtime
Node : gb-ce-amc.amc.nl
Hosted service(s) : Site-BDII, org.glite.ce.CREAM, org.glite.ce.Monitor,
Node : gb-se-amc.amc.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=View_Object&object_id=88810&g…
Severity : OUTAGE
Description :
Migration to another user administration
CIC Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
To get further details about the downtime procedure, please consult this url :
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
EGI BROADCAST TOOL : https://operations-portal.egi.eu/broadcast
Publication from : Emidio Giorgio <emidio.giorgio(a)ct.infn.it>
Targets : VO managers/vlemed <vlemed-vo-managers(a)biggrid.nl>
the host certificate for voms.ct.infn.it, which serves the VO instance of :
will expire 22-10, and will be updated 21-10 at 15:00. All SL4 sites
supporting one of the above mentioned VOs, please update voms.ct.infn.it
public key downloading the following rpm
link to this broadcast :
END of LSG-WUR SCHEDULED downtime (WARNING) [17-10-2011 06:00 to 19-10-2011 16:30 UTC]
SCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 17-10-2011 06:00
End downtime [UTC]: 19-10-2011 16:30
Entities in downtime
Node : gb-ce-wur.els.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : Site-BDII,
Node : gb-se-wur.els.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=View_Object&object_id=88873&g…
Severity : WARNING
Description :
Migration to another user administration
CIC Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
To get further details about the downtime procedure, please consult this url :
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
END of LSG-UU SCHEDULED downtime (WARNING) [17-10-2011 06:00 to 19-10-2011 16:30 UTC]
SCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 17-10-2011 06:00
End downtime [UTC]: 19-10-2011 16:30
Entities in downtime
Node : gb-ce-uu.science.uu.nl
Hosted service(s) : Site-BDII,
Node : gb-se-uu.science.uu.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=View_Object&object_id=88866&g…
Severity : WARNING
Description :
Migration to another user administration
CIC Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
To get further details about the downtime procedure, please consult this url :
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
END of LSG-NKI SCHEDULED downtime (WARNING) [17-10-2011 06:00 to 19-10-2011 16:30 UTC]
SCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 17-10-2011 06:00
End downtime [UTC]: 19-10-2011 16:30
Entities in downtime
Node : gb-ce-nki.els.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : Site-BDII,
Node : gb-se-nki.els.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=View_Object&object_id=88845&g…
Severity : WARNING
Description :
Migration to another user administration
CIC Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
To get further details about the downtime procedure, please consult this url :
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
END of LSG-LUMC SCHEDULED downtime (WARNING) [17-10-2011 06:00 to 19-10-2011 16:30 UTC]
SCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 17-10-2011 06:00
End downtime [UTC]: 19-10-2011 16:30
Entities in downtime
Node : gb-ce-lumc.lumc.nl
Hosted service(s) : Site-BDII, org.glite.ce.CREAM, org.glite.ce.Monitor,
Node : gb-se-lumc.lumc.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=View_Object&object_id=88838&g…
Severity : WARNING
Description :
Migration to another user administration
CIC Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
To get further details about the downtime procedure, please consult this url :
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
END of LSG-KUN SCHEDULED downtime (WARNING) [17-10-2011 06:00 to 19-10-2011 16:30 UTC]
SCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 17-10-2011 06:00
End downtime [UTC]: 19-10-2011 16:30
Entities in downtime
Node : gb-ce-kun.els.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : Site-BDII,
Node : gb-se-kun.els.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=View_Object&object_id=88831&g…
Severity : WARNING
Description :
Migration to another user administration
CIC Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
To get further details about the downtime procedure, please consult this url :
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
ANNOUNCEMENT : SARA-MATRIX SCHEDULED downtime (WARNING) [26-10-2011 08:00 to 26-10-2011 10:00 UTC ]
SCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 26-10-2011 08:00
End downtime [UTC]: 26-10-2011 10:00
Entities in downtime
Node : srm.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=View_Object&object_id=92621&g…
Severity : WARNING
Description :
Maintenance to our mass storage system. Stage requests will be queued and processed after this downtime.
CIC Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
To get further details about the downtime procedure, please consult this url :
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :