ANNOUNCEMENT : LSG-WUR UNSCHEDULED downtime (OUTAGE) [31-03-2014 15:00 to 01-04-2014 14:00 UTC ]
UNSCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 31-03-2014 15:00
End downtime [UTC]: 01-04-2014 14:00
Entities in downtime
Node : gb-ce-wur.els.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : Site-BDII, org.glite.RTEPublisher,
Node : gb-se-wur.els.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=Downtime&id=13749
Severity : OUTAGE
Description :
Downtime due to glusterfs crash on service nodes
Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
START of LSG-WUR UNSCHEDULED downtime (OUTAGE) [31-03-2014 15:00 to 01-04-2014 14:00 UTC]
UNSCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 31-03-2014 15:00
End downtime [UTC]: 01-04-2014 14:00
Entities in downtime
Node : gb-ce-wur.els.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : Site-BDII, org.glite.RTEPublisher,
Node : gb-se-wur.els.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=Downtime&id=13749
Severity : OUTAGE
Description :
Downtime due to glusterfs crash on service nodes
Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
END of SARA-MATRIX UNSCHEDULED downtime (WARNING) [30-03-2014 22:00 to 31-03-2014 11:53 UTC]
UNSCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 30-03-2014 22:00
End downtime [UTC]: 31-03-2014 11:53
Entities in downtime
Node : creamce.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : org.glite.RTEPublisher, org.glite.ce.CREAM, org.glite.ce.Monitor,
Node : creamce2.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : org.glite.RTEPublisher, org.glite.ce.CREAM, org.glite.ce.Monitor,
Node : creamce3.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : CE, Site-BDII, org.glite.RTEPublisher, org.glite.ce.CREAM,
Node : srm.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=Downtime&id=13732
Severity : WARNING
Description :
The tape back-end is currently offline due to a database problem. Files that are stored on tape and not on disk are unavailable.
Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
ANNOUNCEMENT : SARA-MATRIX UNSCHEDULED downtime (WARNING) [30-03-2014 22:00 to 31-03-2014 17:00 UTC ]
UNSCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 30-03-2014 22:00
End downtime [UTC]: 31-03-2014 17:00
Entities in downtime
Node : creamce.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : org.glite.RTEPublisher, org.glite.ce.CREAM, org.glite.ce.Monitor,
Node : creamce2.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : org.glite.RTEPublisher, org.glite.ce.CREAM, org.glite.ce.Monitor,
Node : creamce3.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : CE, Site-BDII, org.glite.RTEPublisher, org.glite.ce.CREAM,
Node : srm.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=Downtime&id=13732
Severity : WARNING
Description :
The tape back-end is currently offline due to a database problem. Files that are stored on tape and not on disk are unavailable.
Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
START of SARA-MATRIX UNSCHEDULED downtime (WARNING) [30-03-2014 22:00 to 31-03-2014 17:00 UTC]
UNSCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 30-03-2014 22:00
End downtime [UTC]: 31-03-2014 17:00
Entities in downtime
Node : creamce.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : org.glite.RTEPublisher, org.glite.ce.CREAM, org.glite.ce.Monitor,
Node : creamce2.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : org.glite.RTEPublisher, org.glite.ce.CREAM, org.glite.ce.Monitor,
Node : creamce3.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : CE, Site-BDII, org.glite.RTEPublisher, org.glite.ce.CREAM,
Node : srm.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=Downtime&id=13732
Severity : WARNING
Description :
The tape back-end is currently offline due to a database problem. Files that are stored on tape and not on disk are unavailable.
Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
EGI BROADCAST TOOL : https://operations-portal.in2p3.fr/broadcast
Publication from : Cyril Lorphelin <cic-information(a)cc.in2p3.fr>
Targets : VO managers/vlemed <vlemed-vo-managers(a)biggrid.nl>
Dear users,
The Operations Portal 3.0 will be released on April 7th .
Therefore the application will be down from 07:00 to 14:00 UTC.
This new version will run with a new GGUS Helpdesk which means that we will
transfer the tickets from the current version to the new one . Consequently
the connection between tickets and alarms might be lost .
Moreover the masking mechanism for the alarms will disappear and be replaced
by the possibility to open a ticket with multiple alarms .
For comments, feedback, bugs please contact us at cic-information(a)in2p3.fr
Regards ,
Operations Portal Team
link to this broadcast :
END of LSG-KUN UNSCHEDULED downtime (OUTAGE) [27-03-2014 10:00 to 27-03-2014 14:00 UTC]
UNSCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 27-03-2014 10:00
End downtime [UTC]: 27-03-2014 14:00
Entities in downtime
Node : gb-ce-kun.els.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : Site-BDII, org.glite.RTEPublisher,
Node : gb-se-kun.els.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=Downtime&id=13697
Severity : OUTAGE
Description :
Service glusterfs problems. Will be solved ASAP.
Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
END of LSG-AMC UNSCHEDULED downtime (OUTAGE) [27-03-2014 10:00 to 27-03-2014 14:00 UTC]
UNSCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 27-03-2014 10:00
End downtime [UTC]: 27-03-2014 14:00
Entities in downtime
Node : gb-ce-amc.amc.nl
Hosted service(s) : Site-BDII, org.glite.RTEPublisher, org.glite.ce.CREAM, org.glite.ce.Monitor,
Node : gb-se-amc.amc.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=Downtime&id=13694
Severity : OUTAGE
Description :
Service glusterfs problems. Will be solved ASAP.
Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
ANNOUNCEMENT : LSG-KUN UNSCHEDULED downtime (OUTAGE) [27-03-2014 10:00 to 27-03-2014 14:00 UTC ]
UNSCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 27-03-2014 10:00
End downtime [UTC]: 27-03-2014 14:00
Entities in downtime
Node : gb-ce-kun.els.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : Site-BDII, org.glite.RTEPublisher,
Node : gb-se-kun.els.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=Downtime&id=13697
Severity : OUTAGE
Description :
Service glusterfs problems. Will be solved ASAP.
Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
ANNOUNCEMENT : LSG-AMC UNSCHEDULED downtime (OUTAGE) [27-03-2014 10:00 to 27-03-2014 14:00 UTC ]
UNSCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 27-03-2014 10:00
End downtime [UTC]: 27-03-2014 14:00
Entities in downtime
Node : gb-ce-amc.amc.nl
Hosted service(s) : Site-BDII, org.glite.RTEPublisher, org.glite.ce.CREAM, org.glite.ce.Monitor,
Node : gb-se-amc.amc.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=Downtime&id=13694
Severity : OUTAGE
Description :
Service glusterfs problems. Will be solved ASAP.
Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :