START of SARA-MATRIX UNSCHEDULED downtime (WARNING) [12-03-2012 10:30 to 12-03-2012 12:30 UTC]
UNSCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 12-03-2012 10:30
End downtime [UTC]: 12-03-2012 12:30
Entities in downtime
Node : srm.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=View_Object&object_id=106240&…
Severity : WARNING
Description :
Replacing a broken disk controller
CIC Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
To get further details about the downtime procedure, please consult this url :
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
ANNOUNCEMENT : SARA-MATRIX UNSCHEDULED downtime (WARNING) [12-03-2012 10:30 to 12-03-2012 12:30 UTC ]
UNSCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 12-03-2012 10:30
End downtime [UTC]: 12-03-2012 12:30
Entities in downtime
Node : srm.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=View_Object&object_id=106240&…
Severity : WARNING
Description :
Replacing a broken disk controller
CIC Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
To get further details about the downtime procedure, please consult this url :
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
EGI BROADCAST TOOL : https://operations-portal.egi.eu/broadcast
Publication from : wlapka <Wojciech.Lapka(a)cern.ch>
Targets : VO managers/vlemed <vlemed-vo-managers(a)biggrid.nl>
Dear All,
As already broadcasted last year, the old SAM infrastructure will be finally
Following services will be stopped on on Wednesday, 14th of March 2012:
- SAM portal (https://lcg-sam.cern.ch:8443/sam/sam.py)
- SAM Programmatic Interface
- SAM database
This change will NOT affect the current SAM framework based on Nagios:
NGI/ROC Nagios instances, MyEGI/MyWLCG portals nor the new SAM
Programmatic Interface defined at:
Best regards,
SAM Team
link to this broadcast :
ANNOUNCEMENT : SARA-MATRIX SCHEDULED downtime (OUTAGE) [20-03-2012 08:00 to 20-03-2012 12:00 UTC ]
SCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 20-03-2012 08:00
End downtime [UTC]: 20-03-2012 12:00
Entities in downtime
Node : srm.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=View_Object&object_id=106139&…
Severity : OUTAGE
Description :
Maintenance on the tape library. No files can be read from or written to tape. Files on the disk storage remain accessible.
CIC Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
To get further details about the downtime procedure, please consult this url :
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
ANNOUNCEMENT : LSG-AMS SCHEDULED downtime (WARNING) [31-03-2012 00:00 to 31-03-2012 00:01 UTC ]
SCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 31-03-2012 00:00
End downtime [UTC]: 31-03-2012 00:01
Entities in downtime
Node : gb-ce-ams.els.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : Site-BDII, org.glite.RTEPublisher,
Node : gb-se-ams.els.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=View_Object&object_id=106109&…
Severity : WARNING
Description :
Test of GocDB this is NOT a real downtime message
CIC Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
To get further details about the downtime procedure, please consult this url :
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
EGI BROADCAST TOOL : https://operations-portal.egi.eu/broadcast
Publication from : Tiziana Ferrari <Tiziana.Ferrari(a)egi.eu>
Targets : VO managers/vlemed <vlemed-vo-managers(a)biggrid.nl>
Dear VO Manager.
Several EC-funded projects that are sourcing code currently deployed by EGI
users, will terminate in 2013. Among these are EMI (ARC, dCache, gLite,
UNICORE) and IGE (Globus). EGI needs to define the list of software products
whose maintenance and supporte is considered to be high priority in order to
ensure service continuation to the end-users.
For this reason, we are inviting you to participate to a survey on "Usage
and future maintenance of deployed software". Purpose of this survey is to:
1. Define the list of grid software components that are considered to be high
2. Assess your current usage of these components;
3. Assess which user communities will directly contribute to software
development and maintenance after 2013 (last question of the survey).
This survey is targeted to virtual research communities and resource
infrastructure providers (EIROs and NGIs). You can find a preview of the
questions in the survey at:
GO TO SURVEY: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SW2WK6K
DEADLINE for submission of your input is: 20/03/2012
Thank you in advance for your contribution,
Tiziana Ferrari
EGI Operations
link to this broadcast :
END of SARA-MATRIX UNSCHEDULED downtime (WARNING) [07-03-2012 10:15 to 07-03-2012 10:30 UTC]
UNSCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 07-03-2012 10:15
End downtime [UTC]: 07-03-2012 10:30
Entities in downtime
Node : srm.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=View_Object&object_id=105951&…
Severity : WARNING
Description :
restart of gridftp doors
CIC Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
To get further details about the downtime procedure, please consult this url :
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
ANNOUNCEMENT : SARA-MATRIX UNSCHEDULED downtime (WARNING) [07-03-2012 10:15 to 07-03-2012 10:30 UTC ]
UNSCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 07-03-2012 10:15
End downtime [UTC]: 07-03-2012 10:30
Entities in downtime
Node : srm.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=View_Object&object_id=105951&…
Severity : WARNING
Description :
restart of gridftp doors
CIC Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
To get further details about the downtime procedure, please consult this url :
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
START of SARA-MATRIX UNSCHEDULED downtime (WARNING) [07-03-2012 10:15 to 07-03-2012 10:30 UTC]
UNSCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 07-03-2012 10:15
End downtime [UTC]: 07-03-2012 10:30
Entities in downtime
Node : srm.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=View_Object&object_id=105951&…
Severity : WARNING
Description :
restart of gridftp doors
CIC Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
To get further details about the downtime procedure, please consult this url :
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
EGI BROADCAST TOOL : https://operations-portal.egi.eu/broadcast
Publication from : F. Dijkstra P114691(a)rug.nl <f.dijkstra(a)rug.nl>
Targets : VO managers/vlemed <vlemed-vo-managers(a)biggrid.nl>
Dear VO managers,
On our site RUG-CIT we have installed a new Grid cluster. Therefore the old
Grid hardware will be decommissioned, starting with the compute elements
ce.grid.rug.nl and creamce.grid.rug.nl.
Both CEs have been replaced by a single CREAM CE called cygnus.grid.rug.nl.
We will disable the old CEs and worker nodes starting March 21st.
Kind regards,
Fokke Dijkstra
Fokke Dijkstra <f.dijkstra(a)rug.nl>
High Performance Computing & Visualisation
Donald Smits Center for Information Technology, University of Groningen
Postbus 11044, 9700 CA Groningen, The Netherlands
+31-50-363 9243
link to this broadcast :