EGI BROADCAST TOOL : https://operations-portal.egi.eu/broadcast
Publication from : Ulf Tigerstedt <ulf.tigerstedt(a)csc.fi>
Targets : VO managers/vlemed <vlemed-vo-managers(a)biggrid.nl>
On 30th of September 2011 the GOCWIKI
(http://goc.grid.sinica.edu.tw/gocwiki/FrontPage) will be shut down.
Most pages have been moved to the EGI Wiki ( https://wiki.egi.eu/ ), some
with obsolete information has been deleted.
Best regards, Ulf Tigerstedt
link to this broadcast :
EGI BROADCAST TOOL : https://operations-portal.egi.eu/broadcast
Publication from : wlapka <Wojciech.Lapka(a)cern.ch>
Targets : VO managers/vlemed <vlemed-vo-managers(a)biggrid.nl>
Dear All,
We would like to announce that the GridMap portal (http://gridmap.cern.ch)
will be decommissioned on the 16th of October 2011.
The existing GridMap functionality has been integrated into the central MyEGI
portal which is available at:
Best regards,
Wojciech Lapka
SAM Team
link to this broadcast :
END of SARA-MATRIX UNSCHEDULED downtime (WARNING) [21-09-2011 08:00 to 21-09-2011 12:00 UTC]
UNSCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 21-09-2011 08:00
End downtime [UTC]: 21-09-2011 12:00
Entities in downtime
Node : creamce.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : APEL, CE, CREAM-CE, gLExec, org.glite.ce.CREAM, org.glite.ce.Monitor,
Node : creamce2.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : APEL, CE, CREAM-CE, gLExec, org.glite.ce.CREAM, org.glite.ce.Monitor,
Node : srm.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : Classic-SE, SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=View_Object&object_id=76968&g…
Severity : WARNING
Description :
To try and fix the instability of 8 pool nodes, we're upgrading one of them from SL4 to CentOS 5 to see if this helps. Some files may not be available.
CIC Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
To get further details about the downtime procedure, please consult this url :
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
START of SARA-MATRIX UNSCHEDULED downtime (WARNING) [21-09-2011 08:00 to 21-09-2011 12:00 UTC]
UNSCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 21-09-2011 08:00
End downtime [UTC]: 21-09-2011 12:00
Entities in downtime
Node : creamce.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : APEL, CE, CREAM-CE, gLExec, org.glite.ce.CREAM, org.glite.ce.Monitor,
Node : creamce2.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : APEL, CE, CREAM-CE, gLExec, org.glite.ce.CREAM, org.glite.ce.Monitor,
Node : srm.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : Classic-SE, SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=View_Object&object_id=76968&g…
Severity : WARNING
Description :
To try and fix the instability of 8 pool nodes, we're upgrading one of them from SL4 to CentOS 5 to see if this helps. Some files may not be available.
CIC Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
To get further details about the downtime procedure, please consult this url :
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
ANNOUNCEMENT : SARA-MATRIX UNSCHEDULED downtime (WARNING) [21-09-2011 08:00 to 21-09-2011 12:00 UTC ]
UNSCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 21-09-2011 08:00
End downtime [UTC]: 21-09-2011 12:00
Entities in downtime
Node : creamce.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : APEL, CE, CREAM-CE, gLExec, org.glite.ce.CREAM, org.glite.ce.Monitor,
Node : creamce2.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : APEL, CE, CREAM-CE, gLExec, org.glite.ce.CREAM, org.glite.ce.Monitor,
Node : srm.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : Classic-SE, SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=View_Object&object_id=76968&g…
Severity : WARNING
Description :
To try and fix the instability of 8 pool nodes, we're upgrading one of them from SL4 to CentOS 5 to see if this helps. Some files may not be available.
CIC Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
To get further details about the downtime procedure, please consult this url :
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
END of SARA-MATRIX UNSCHEDULED downtime (OUTAGE) [21-09-2011 00:52 to 21-09-2011 01:00 UTC]
UNSCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 21-09-2011 00:52
End downtime [UTC]: 21-09-2011 01:00
Entities in downtime
Node : srm.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : Classic-SE, SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=View_Object&object_id=76880&g…
Severity : OUTAGE
Description :
dCache restart in order to prevent instabilities in some pools
CIC Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
To get further details about the downtime procedure, please consult this url :
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
START of SARA-MATRIX UNSCHEDULED downtime (OUTAGE) [21-09-2011 00:52 to 21-09-2011 01:00 UTC]
UNSCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 21-09-2011 00:52
End downtime [UTC]: 21-09-2011 01:00
Entities in downtime
Node : srm.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : Classic-SE, SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=View_Object&object_id=76880&g…
Severity : OUTAGE
Description :
dCache restart in order to prevent instabilities in some pools
CIC Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
To get further details about the downtime procedure, please consult this url :
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
ANNOUNCEMENT : SARA-MATRIX UNSCHEDULED downtime (OUTAGE) [21-09-2011 00:52 to 21-09-2011 01:00 UTC ]
UNSCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 21-09-2011 00:52
End downtime [UTC]: 21-09-2011 01:00
Entities in downtime
Node : srm.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : Classic-SE, SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=View_Object&object_id=76880&g…
Severity : OUTAGE
Description :
dCache restart in order to prevent instabilities in some pools
CIC Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
To get further details about the downtime procedure, please consult this url :
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :