END of SARA-MATRIX SCHEDULED downtime (WARNING) [12-07-2016 04:00 to 12-07-2016 07:00 UTC]
SCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 12-07-2016 04:00
End downtime [UTC]: 12-07-2016 07:00
Entities in downtime
Node : creamce.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : org.glite.RTEPublisher, org.glite.ce.CREAM, org.glite.ce.Monitor,
Node : creamce2.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : org.glite.RTEPublisher, org.glite.ce.CREAM, org.glite.ce.Monitor,
Node : creamce3.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : CE, Site-BDII, org.glite.RTEPublisher, org.glite.ce.CREAM,
Node : srm.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=Downtime&id=21078
Severity : WARNING
Description :
FAilover test of our firewalls.
Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
START of SARA-MATRIX SCHEDULED downtime (WARNING) [12-07-2016 04:00 to 12-07-2016 07:00 UTC]
SCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 12-07-2016 04:00
End downtime [UTC]: 12-07-2016 07:00
Entities in downtime
Node : creamce.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : org.glite.RTEPublisher, org.glite.ce.CREAM, org.glite.ce.Monitor,
Node : creamce2.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : org.glite.RTEPublisher, org.glite.ce.CREAM, org.glite.ce.Monitor,
Node : creamce3.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : CE, Site-BDII, org.glite.RTEPublisher, org.glite.ce.CREAM,
Node : srm.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=Downtime&id=21078
Severity : WARNING
Description :
FAilover test of our firewalls.
Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
END of RUG-CIT SCHEDULED downtime (OUTAGE) [11-07-2016 06:00 to 11-07-2016 15:00 UTC]
SCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 11-07-2016 06:00
End downtime [UTC]: 11-07-2016 15:00
Entities in downtime
Node : srm.target.rug.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=Downtime&id=21067
Severity : OUTAGE
Description :
SRM down because of maintenance on underlying file system
Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
ANNOUNCEMENT : NIKHEF-ELPROD SCHEDULED downtime (WARNING) [14-07-2016 08:00 to 14-07-2016 17:00 UTC ]
SCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 14-07-2016 08:00
End downtime [UTC]: 14-07-2016 17:00
Entities in downtime
Node : tbn18.nikhef.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=Downtime&id=21096
Severity : WARNING
Description :
Replace internal discs on storage nodes strijker-25, strijker-28 (vo affected: xenon)
Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
START of RUG-CIT SCHEDULED downtime (OUTAGE) [11-07-2016 06:00 to 11-07-2016 15:00 UTC]
SCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 11-07-2016 06:00
End downtime [UTC]: 11-07-2016 15:00
Entities in downtime
Node : srm.target.rug.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=Downtime&id=21067
Severity : OUTAGE
Description :
SRM down because of maintenance on underlying file system
Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
EGI BROADCAST TOOL : https://operations-portal.egi.eu/broadcast
Publication from : Alessandro Paolini <alessandro.paolini(a)egi.eu>
Targets : VO managers/vlemed <vlemed-vo-managers(a)biggrid.nl>
1) New configuration for DTEAM VO
The HellasGrid Certification Authority changed its DN from "/C=GR/O=HellasGrid/OU=Certification Authorities/CN=HellasGrid CA 2006" to "/C=GR/O=HellasGrid/OU=Certification Authorities/CN=HellasGrid CA 2016"
Since it is also changed the certificate of the 2 voms servers hosting dteam VO, the settings of this VO need to be updated accordingly on *ALL THE (grid and cloud) SERVICES*
- New yaim settings (for the ../vo.d/dteam file):
VOMSES="'dteam voms.hellasgrid.gr 15004 /C=GR/O=HellasGrid/OU=hellasgrid.gr/CN=voms.hellasgrid.gr dteam 24' 'dteam voms2.hellasgrid.gr 15004 /C=GR/O=HellasGrid/OU=hellasgrid.gr/CN=voms2.hellasgrid.gr dteam 24'"
VOMS_CA_DN="'/C=GR/O=HellasGrid/OU=Certification Authorities/CN=HellasGrid CA 2016' '/C=GR/O=HellasGrid/OU=Certification Authorities/CN=HellasGrid CA 2016'"
- .lsc files:
# cat /etc/grid-security/vomsdir/dteam/voms.hellasgrid.gr.lsc
/C=GR/O=HellasGrid/OU=Certification Authorities/CN=HellasGrid CA 2016
# cat /etc/grid-security/vomsdir/dteam/voms2.hellasgrid.gr.lsc
/C=GR/O=HellasGrid/OU=Certification Authorities/CN=HellasGrid CA 2016
- configuration information:
2) EGI central monitoring instance (ARGO)
Since July 1st, the EGI infrastructure is being monitored by two monitoring instances that can be found on these addresses:
Both instances are running the same set of tests and results provided are equivalent.
Starting from the same date, the central ARGO Web UI (http://argo.egi.eu/lavoisier ) provides information from these two instances and the Operations Portal was reconfigured to raise alarms based on information from ARGO central instances.
Results coming from NGI SAM instances are no longer consumed by the central ARGO or Operations Portal so NGIs can eventually decommission them following the standard decommissioning procedures (https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/PROC12 ).
3) New set of CREAM probes
A new set of probes is being used for monitoring the CREAM CEs and the A/R computation: https://wiki.italiangrid.it/twiki/bin/view/CREAM/DjsCreamProbeNew
This set of probe doesn't make use of the BDII, WMS and the messaging infrastructure like instead did the old WN monitoring framework.
link to this broadcast : https://operations-portal.egi.eu/broadcast/archive/id/1422
ANNOUNCEMENT : SARA-MATRIX SCHEDULED downtime (WARNING) [12-07-2016 04:00 to 12-07-2016 07:00 UTC ]
SCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 12-07-2016 04:00
End downtime [UTC]: 12-07-2016 07:00
Entities in downtime
Node : creamce.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : org.glite.RTEPublisher, org.glite.ce.CREAM, org.glite.ce.Monitor,
Node : creamce2.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : org.glite.RTEPublisher, org.glite.ce.CREAM, org.glite.ce.Monitor,
Node : creamce3.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : CE, Site-BDII, org.glite.RTEPublisher, org.glite.ce.CREAM,
Node : srm.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=Downtime&id=21078
Severity : WARNING
Description :
FAilover test of our firewalls.
Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
ANNOUNCEMENT : SARA-MATRIX SCHEDULED downtime (WARNING) [12-07-2016 04:00 to 12-07-2016 06:00 UTC ]
SCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 12-07-2016 04:00
End downtime [UTC]: 12-07-2016 06:00
Entities in downtime
Node : creamce.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : org.glite.RTEPublisher, org.glite.ce.CREAM, org.glite.ce.Monitor,
Node : creamce2.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : org.glite.RTEPublisher, org.glite.ce.CREAM, org.glite.ce.Monitor,
Node : creamce3.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : CE, Site-BDII, org.glite.RTEPublisher, org.glite.ce.CREAM,
Node : srm.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=Downtime&id=21071
Severity : WARNING
Description :
Failover test of our firewalls
Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
ANNOUNCEMENT : SARA-MATRIX UNSCHEDULED downtime (WARNING) [08-07-2016 05:00 to 08-07-2016 07:00 UTC ]
UNSCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 08-07-2016 05:00
End downtime [UTC]: 08-07-2016 07:00
Entities in downtime
Node : creamce.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : org.glite.RTEPublisher, org.glite.ce.CREAM, org.glite.ce.Monitor,
Node : creamce2.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : org.glite.RTEPublisher, org.glite.ce.CREAM, org.glite.ce.Monitor,
Node : creamce3.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : CE, Site-BDII, org.glite.RTEPublisher, org.glite.ce.CREAM,
Node : srm.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=Downtime&id=21068
Severity : WARNING
Description :
Failover test of our firewall.
Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :
END of SARA-MATRIX SCHEDULED downtime (OUTAGE) [07-07-2016 05:00 to 07-07-2016 06:00 UTC]
SCHEDULED Downtime period
Start of downtime [UTC]: 07-07-2016 05:00
End downtime [UTC]: 07-07-2016 06:00
Entities in downtime
Node : bdii.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : Top-BDII,
Node : bdii2.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : Top-BDII,
Node : creamce.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : org.glite.RTEPublisher, org.glite.ce.CREAM, org.glite.ce.Monitor,
Node : creamce2.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : org.glite.RTEPublisher, org.glite.ce.CREAM, org.glite.ce.Monitor,
Node : creamce3.gina.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : CE, Site-BDII, org.glite.RTEPublisher, org.glite.ce.CREAM,
Node : lfc.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : Central-LFC, Local-LFC,
Node : sam-bdii.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : Top-BDII,
Node : sam-dpm.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Node : sam-wms.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : LB, org.glite.wms.WMProxy,
Node : sitebdii.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : Site-BDII,
Node : srm.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : SE, SRM,
Node : wms1.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : LB, org.glite.wms.WMProxy,
Node : wms2.grid.sara.nl
Hosted service(s) : LB, org.glite.wms.WMProxy,
Link : https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=Downtime&id=21050
Severity : OUTAGE
Description :
short outage due to network testing
Downtime notification system
According to rules assigned to the subscription '1081' ['downtime notifications for NL grids'], you have been defined as a relevant person for this downtime
if you do not want to receive any notifications, please contact the vlemed VO Managers
Note that if you are the owner of this subscription, you can filter the Downtime notifications by updating your subscription rules :