--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EGI BROADCAST TOOL : https://operations-portal.egi.eu/broadcast
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Publication from : rocha ricardo.rocha@cern.ch Targets : VO managers/vlemed vlemed-vo-managers@biggrid.nl ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Here's the announcement for our 2nd DPM Community Workshop.
Date: 03-04 December 2012 Location: LAL, Orsay
More details at (thanks to LAL/Michel for hosting): http://indico.cern.ch/event/2nd-dpm-community-workshop
Please use the Registration Form on the left menu so that we can have an idea of the number of participants - there is no registration fee involved.
Agenda is still open but the first day will be dedicated to talks on different topics - experiences, best practices, user reports, tool usage, etc - while the second will be dedicated to tutorials on common operations of the current system and new functionality which is starting to be available.
As we start building the detailed agenda, we take this opportunity to ask for suggestions on topics you would like to see covered or any other ideas for discussion. Also, if you are willing to present your own experiences or any other subject, do let us know - we would like to hear from everyone.
Hope to see you all there!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- link to this broadcast : https://operations-portal.egi.eu/broadcast/archive/id/775 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------