--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EGI BROADCAST TOOL : https://operations-portal.egi.eu/broadcast
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Publication from : david kelsey david.kelsey@stfc.ac.uk Targets : VO managers/vlemed vlemed-vo-managers@biggrid.nl ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The EGI Security Policy Group is pleased to announce that a revised security policy will come into effect on 1st June 2013.
The revised "Service Operations Security Policy" contains several changes: a) The statement on IPR is removed as this is addressed in other document(s). b) Introduces a new requirement to implement automated procedures to download the security emergency suspension lists defined centrally by Security Operations. This feature is being worked on by the EGI CSIRT and others and will be made available later. c) It addresses the end of security support for deployed software components d) It addresses the auditing requirements of services that have been retired.
This policy not only applies to Resource Centres but also to anyone (e.g. a VO) providing or running a service on the Infrastructure.
The new version is to be found at: https://documents.egi.eu/document/1475 (it replaces the old version at https://documents.egi.eu/document/669)
The full list of adopted security policies is always available on the SPG wiki at https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/SPG:Documents
Yours David Kelsey (STFC-RAL) Chair of EGI SPG
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- link to this broadcast : https://operations-portal.egi.eu/broadcast/archive/id/939 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------