--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EGI BROADCAST TOOL : https://operations-portal.egi.eu/broadcast/send --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Publication from : Vincenzo Spinoso spinoso@infn.it vincenzo.spinoso@egi.eu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1) NGIs argus servers configuration
The ARGUS version that fixes the PAP permissions has been released in UMD 4.6: http://repository.egi.eu/2017/12/18/release-umd-4-6-0/ It is important updating to this version.
Moreover, as reported by EGI-CSIRT during the February OMB, several NGI ARGUS servers are not properly configured and they are not passing the nagios tests (eu.egi.Argus-DNs probe):
Tickets have been opened against the affected sites.
How the probe works: - Central Argus server suspend 1 fake DN each day - Argo looks for this DN in NGI Arguses
Requirements for passing the test: - NGI Argus must be configured to fetch DNs - Argo must be able to connect to NGI Argus - Argo DN must be authorized to query DNs
Information about the nagios errors and possible solutions: https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/EGI_CSIRT:Central_emergency_suspension#NGI_Argus_Mo...
Information on global banning set-up: https://wiki.nikhef.nl/grid/Argus_Global_Banning_Setup_Overview#NGI_Argus
2) WMS servers decommission and related nagios probe
In order to follow-up the WMS servers decommission, it has been deployed a specific nagios probes detecting the WMS servers still in production, eu.egi.sec.WMS: https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/MW_SAM_tests#General_tests
Starting from March, the probe is returning a CRITICAL status for the detected WMS instances, and the ROD teams are opening a ticket to the sites that haven't finished the decommission process yet: please report in the ticket the timeline for dismissing your WMS servers, in according to https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/PROC12 .
Detected servers: https://argo-mon.egi.eu/nagios/cgi-bin/status.cgi?servicegroup=SERVICE_WMS&a...
3) UMD3 shutdown The UMD3 distribution is DEPRECATED. Sites are kindly asked to switch from UMD3/SL6 to UMD4/SL6 repositories: this can be easily done upgrading to the UMD4/SL6 version of the umd-release, and updating the list of the packages.
The proposed deadline to shutdown the UMD3 repository is April 30th; after that, the UMD3 repository will be no longer available.
To perform the repository upgrade, please refer to http://repository.egi.eu/category/umd_releases/distribution/umd-4/ For each single product, please carefully check the official product-specific documentation and the release notes provided by the Technology Provider. Especially, please take care that during the switch you can jump to new major versions; hence it is always very important to CAREFULLY READ UPGRADE GUIDELINES AND RELEASE NOTES of the products you are updating.
For any issue with the switch, please opena a GGUS ticket to the EGI Software Provisioning Support Unit.
4) UMD 4.6.1
UMD 4.6.1 is a fix release, containing the following product updates, both for CentOS7 and SL6. Please find details at http://repository.egi.eu/category/umd_releases/distribution/umd-4/ and the updated product overview at https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/UMD_products
APEL-SSM 2.2.0 - Added a check that certificates have not expired before starting SSM. SSL errors now propagated out properly and saved for received messages. Trimmed down the number of log messages generated for receivers. Added python-devel build requirement for non fedora-packager OSs (CentOS) DPM 1.9.2 - This update includes releases 1.9.2 and lcgdm 0.19.0. It contains a fix for dpm-listspaces wrongly reporting 0 free space for pools See http://lcgdm.web.cern.ch/dpm-192-release XRootD 4.7.1 - various bug fixes https://github.com/xrootd/xrootd/blob/v4.7.1/docs/ReleaseNotes.txt CVMFS server 2.4.4 - fix registration of chunk hashes without bulk hash and non-SHA1 hash algorithm: fix on geoapi. See http://cvmfs.readthedocs.io/en/2.4/cpt-releasenotes.html CVMFS 2.4.4 - react to a change of DNS server on macOS. See http://cvmfs.readthedocs.io/en/2.4/cpt-releasenotes.html APEL 1.6.1 - various fixes and improvements https://github.com/apel/apel/releases/tag/1.6.1-1 frontier-squid 3.5.27-3.1 - includes an important configuration change to enable frontier clients to clear out certain types of cached errors
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- link to this broadcast : https://operations-portal.egi.eu/broadcast/archive/2023 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------