Dear vlemed managers,

we are collecting some usage statistics of the EGI infrastructure and we have noticed that in 2016 your VO registered a remarkable decrease in terms of normalised CPU time compared to the 2015 utilisation:

- 1.3 millions HepSpec hours in 2015
- 99k HepSpec hours in 2016
- 820k HepSpec hours in Jan/Jun 2017

The numbers are the ones displayed by the EGI Accounting Portal:

So that we would like to know if there is any particular explanation for those numbers, just for reporting purposes, and if you were aware of them.

Best regards,

Dr. Alessandro Paolini
Operations Officer - EGI Foundation
Science Park 140
1098 XG Amsterdam
The Netherlands
skype: alessandro.paolini.egi
"I believe in the power of laughter and tears"
    "as an antidote to hatred and terror"
          "A day without laughter"
             "is a wasted day" >>> Charlie Chaplin