--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EGI BROADCAST TOOL : https://operations-portal.egi.eu/broadcast
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Publication from : Gergely Sipos gergely.sipos@egi.eu Targets : VO managers/vlemed vlemed-vo-managers@biggrid.nl ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear VO Manager,
Setting up, operating and monitoring a VO can be a challenging task and may exceed the available effort level and technical knowledge in some communities. The VO Services Group of the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI) supports VOs by:
- evaluating VO management software and tools, sharing evaluation reports and documentations about the services; - providing software services for VOs and if required, assist them to setup custom instances of these services; - identifying and documenting best VO operation and work practices; - providing consultancy for VO managers through the EGI Helpdesk system; - gathering emerging requirements concerning VO management and channelling these requirements to EGI.
Since the start up of the VO Services Group in May 2010, experts from LIP (Portugal) and UPV (Spain) reviewed and built a portfolio of tools for VOs to use including GANGA, Diane, Minidashboards, VBrowser, LFCBrowseSE, VO SAM and VO Admin Dashboard. The recently setup VO SAM and VO Admin Dashboard services are already used by several international VOs from the life sciences domain and by various national VOs in Europe and South America.
- VO SAM is an adaptation of the NGI operation SAM service to VOs. The service provides an integrated view about the resources contributing to a VO from the various NGIs. VOs can develop and integrate community/application specific probes into the service and can monitor the correctness of the resources with these custom probes. The tests can help VO members and applications steer workloads to correctly operating sites. VOs can use the central instance of the service at LIP and UPV, or can setup their own VO SAM instance following the provided guidelines. - VO Administrators' dashboard is a Web portal that integrates views from various EGI and non-EGI VO administration tools at a single place. The tool provides customisation and simple navigation facilities for VO managers, who can monitor VO-related events, can easily identify correlation between problems and make informed decisions to efficiently resolve them. VOs can use the central instance of the service provided by LIP. The group is currently participating in the implementation of a new service, called "VO Operations Dashboard", to automate the identification and reporting of errors to sites with an interconnected VO SAM, EGI Helpdesk, BDII, GOCDB service network.
For further information about these service please visit the website of the VO Services Group at http://www.egi.eu/user-support/services/ or get in touch with the experts via vo-services@mailman.egi.eu or the EGI Helpdesk. Technical information is also available via https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/VO_Services.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- link to this broadcast : https://operations-portal.egi.eu/broadcast/archive/id/456 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------