--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EGI BROADCAST TOOL : https://operations-portal.egi.eu/broadcast
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Publication from : Tiziana Ferrari Tiziana.Ferrari@egi.eu Targets : VO managers/vlemed vlemed-vo-managers@biggrid.nl ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The majority of the gLite 3.1 products are no longer supported (please see the gLite 3.1 support calendar: http://glite.cern.ch/R3.1/) and SL4 reached end of security support on 02/02/2012. This means that no further security patches for this Linux distribution will be available in the future.
For these reasons, in the February meeting the egi Operations Management Board approved the following decommissioning plan.
By 30/09/2012 all the instances of the following products need to be phased out: – lcg-ce – any site-BDII instance earlier than 3.2.10-1 (i.e. not GLUE 2.0 compatible) – all gLite 3.1 currently unsupported products, this includes all gLite 3.1 products with the exception of gLite-Cluster, glite-LSF_utils, glite-SGE_utils, glite-TORQUE_utils (http://glite.cern.ch/R3.1/).
After 30/09/2012 sites still hosting one of the services in the above list will be suspended.
In order to plan your upgrade, please consult with your NGI/EIRO and your supported VO.
For sites still hosting glite3.1 Worker Nodes, please note that changing the execution environment on the worker nodes may cause issues with the code of the user applications. When planning an update of the glite-WN release or of the operating system (from SL4 to SL5 or SL6), please make sure this is tested and coordinated with your user communities and your NGI/EIRO. Please note: - most of the gLite 3.2 products are reaching end of security support on April 30 2012; - the security support of gLite 3.2 glite-WN was recently extended to Sep 30 2012 in order to allow more time to sites and VOs to fully assess the impact of the replacement of glite 3.2 WN/UI with versions from EMI 1 or EMI 2; - the EMI 2 release is currently scheduled on April 30 2012.
If your site is supporting LHC VOs please see the WLCG list of baseline services defined at: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LCG/WLCGBaselineVersions.
For information about UMD releases see: http://repository.egi.eu/category/umd_releases/distribution/umd_1/
Plese report problems with updates to GGUS (http://helpdesk.egi.eu/).
Best wishes Tiziana Ferrari - EGI Operations
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- link to this broadcast : https://operations-portal.egi.eu/broadcast/archive/id/628 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------