--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EGI BROADCAST TOOL : https://operations-portal.egi.eu/broadcast
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Publication from : Tiziana Ferrari Tiziana.Ferrari@egi.eu Targets : VO managers/vlemed vlemed-vo-managers@biggrid.nl ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear VO Manager.
Several EC-funded projects that are sourcing code currently deployed by EGI users, will terminate in 2013. Among these are EMI (ARC, dCache, gLite, UNICORE) and IGE (Globus). EGI needs to define the list of software products whose maintenance and supporte is considered to be high priority in order to ensure service continuation to the end-users.
For this reason, we are inviting you to participate to a survey on "Usage and future maintenance of deployed software". Purpose of this survey is to: 1. Define the list of grid software components that are considered to be high priority; 2. Assess your current usage of these components; 3. Assess which user communities will directly contribute to software development and maintenance after 2013 (last question of the survey).
This survey is targeted to virtual research communities and resource infrastructure providers (EIROs and NGIs). You can find a preview of the questions in the survey at: https://wiki.egi.eu/w/images/0/0a/Survey-usage-support-middleware.pdf
GO TO SURVEY: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SW2WK6K DEADLINE for submission of your input is: 20/03/2012
Thank you in advance for your contribution, Tiziana Ferrari
EGI Operations
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- link to this broadcast : https://operations-portal.egi.eu/broadcast/archive/id/618 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------