--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EGI BROADCAST TOOL : https://operations-portal.egi.eu/broadcast
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Publication from : Karolis Eigelis karolis.eigelis@gmail.com Targets : VO managers/vlemed vlemed-vo-managers@biggrid.nl ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear VO Manager,
Globus Online provides robust and easy to use file transfer and sharing capabilities for e-scientists. The service manages file transfers, monitoring performance, retrying failures, auto-tuning and recovering from faults automatically where possible. The service is available for Virtual Organisations of the European Grid Infrastructure through a portal front-end that is customized for EGI (http://www.globusonline.eu). To facilitate the uptake of the service within EGI, the EGI User Community Support Team prepared a ‘Globus Online cookbook for EGI Virtual Organizations'. The Cookbook describes how the 'SRM type' storage services of the European Grid Infrastructure can be used as endpoints of file transfers managed by Globus Online.
The cookbook is available at http://go.egi.eu/globusonlinecookbook and it consists of two parts:
1. The first part provides step-by-step instructions for VO Managers on how to register SRM storage services in Globus Online in such a way, that these appear as transfer endpoints for VO members. This registration could be performed by any member of a VO, however for most VOs the VO Manager is the most suitable person to complete this step because the VO Manager has sufficient knowledge on storage sites that support the VO and about the BDII information system where detailed information about the storages is recorded.
2. The second part provides step-by-step instructions for VO members on how to use VO storage endpoints in Globus Online. This part is relevant for any member of any EGI VO. The list of EGI VOs and information on joining these VOs is available at http://operations-portal.egi.eu/vo
Please distribute this information further within your VO, and help your VO members use the service by entering the storage endpoints of your VO into Globus Online.
If you have questions or feedback about the European Globus Online service and the cookbook, please email the EGI.eu User Community Support Team: ucst@egi.eu.
Regards, UCST
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- link to this broadcast : https://operations-portal.egi.eu/broadcast/archive/id/957 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------