The next grid meeting will be on Monday October 20 at 11:00 in room
H3.31. The video-conf setup has been tested and worked well, so we'll
give it a try.
- Gridview & Infrastructure
- Middleware
- Applications
- Any Other Business
The minutes of previous meetings are available at:
Minutes will be taken by: Sven
Enjoy the weekend,
Philips Research<> (eScience Support) together with<> present:
BiG Grid Opening at High Tech Campus Eindhoven
" e S c i e n c e i n I n d u s t r y "
Monday the 1st of December, Philips Research (eScience Support) is organizing a symposium themed 'eScience in Industry'. In multiple scientific fields people are struggling with handling large datasets, secure connections, large simulation times, distributed datasets etc. This asks for a new way of working and the term eScience is used to describe the kind of science that need this new way of working. The talks will show how pharma and biomolecular science have become eScience. Further, 2 speakers from eScience centres located in the United Kingdom will share their ideas on eScience.
For more information please visit: Or register directly at: Registration is free for everyone (but limited!), so make use of this invitation to register early.
The symposium is held on the occasion of the opening for BiG Grid (see<>) at the High Tech Campus, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Because around that time part of Big Grid will be physically located here at the Campus and is planned to be fully operational.
Gridforum Nederland is the association for everyone in The Netherlands who is interested in or works with gridtechnology - from user to supplier, from scientist to policy maker. The organization offers a platform for the exchange of knowledge, expertise and information on this technology and all possible applications it enables.
eScience Support is the new name for the non-generic IT department of Philips Research ICT. It is there specifically for researchers, delivering Scientific and Engineering IT.
For program details and speakers please visit
contact person: serge.vrijaldenhoven(a)<,%0D%0D%0D%0D%0D%0DGreetings,%0D>
The information contained in this message may be confidential and legally protected under applicable law. The message is intended solely for the addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, forwarding, dissemination, or reproduction of this message is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by return e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.
Nogmaals wil ik bij jullie onder de aandacht brengen dat we een TPM
training organiseren op 10-11 november.
Aangezien onder andere NIKHEF, RUG en SARA dit voor de NE-ROC gaan doen
kan ik deze training van harte aanbevelen.
Meer informatie is te vinden op:
Hi *,
Discussion in the TCG now on these two tasks:
The "EGEE MPI recommendations" do not address the problem in the first
task; the TMB is looking for someone to chair a new TF to come up with
a new recipe.
SARA reported that they had put significant work in getting MPI
running lately, perhaps they would be interested in chairing this
group? Who was heading this at SARA?
Hi *,
related to the discussion on MPI at the last Monday morning meeting.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: "noreply [Nick Thackray]" <noreply-savannah(a)>
> Date: October 14, 2008 11:39:29 GMT+02:00
> To: Nick Thackray <nicholas.thackray(a)>, Francesco Giacomini <francesco.giacomini(a)
> >, <project-eu-egee-tcg(a)>
> Subject: [task #7995] How to configure sites to support MPI
> This is an automated notification sent by LCG Savannah.
> It relates to:
> task #7995, project EGEE TMB
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> ======================================================================
> Follow-up Comment #1, task #7995 (project tcg):
> Can more deatil be provided on this task, please. If sites are seeing
> specific problems, they should raise GGUS tickets.
> In addition, please see the GOC wiki entry "MPI Support with Torque"
> (
> For further, specific information, see also the following:
> *
> %3A_connect_to_host_<hname>_port_22%3A_No_route_to_host
> *
> *
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> ======================================================================
> OVERVIEW of task #7995:
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> ======================================================================
> URL:
> <>
> Summary: How to configure sites to support MPI
> Project: EGEE TMB
> Submitted by: giaco
> Submitted on: 2008-10-03 17:42
> Should Start On: 2008-10-03 02:00
> Should be Finished on: 2008-10-03 02:00
> Category: None
> Priority: 5 - Normal
> Status: None
> Privacy: Public
> Percent Complete: 0%
> Assigned to: thackray
> Open/Closed: Open
> Discussion Lock: Any
> Effort: 0.00
> _______________________________________________________
> There is still some concern on how to configure sites to support MPI
> without
> wasting CPU resources.
> _______________________________________________________
> Follow-up Comments:
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Date: 2008-10-14 11:39 By: Nick Thackray <thackray>
> Can more deatil be provided on this task, please. If sites are seeing
> specific problems, they should raise GGUS tickets.
> In addition, please see the GOC wiki entry "MPI Support with Torque"
> (
> For further, specific information, see also the following:
> *
> %3A_connect_to_host_<hname>_port_22%3A_No_route_to_host
> *
> *
> _______________________________________________________
> Carbon-Copy List:
> CC Address | Comment
> ------------------------------------+-----------------------------
> 1081 | -COM-
> 683 | -SUB-
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> ======================================================================
> This item URL is:
> <>
> _______________________________________________
> Message sent via/by LCG Savannah
Possibly of interest to you.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Out, Dirk" <Dirk.Out(a)>
> Date: October 14, 2008 11:17:16 GMT+02:00
> Cc: <jvelde(a)>
> Subject: Vooraankondiging: Symposium Adaptive Information Disclosure
> & Food Informatics op 18 november 2008, Science Park - Amsterdam
> Het is inmiddels bijna 5 jaar geleden dat het project VLe - Virtual
> Laboratory e-Science van start ging. In 15 sub-programma's is
> onderzoek gedaan naar nieuwe methodes en toepassingen van ICT
> technieken die gebruik en bewerking van data en informatie in een
> complexe werkomgeving ondersteunen.
> Binnen de subprogramma's van "AID - Adaptive Information Disclosure"
> en "FI - Food Informatics" is hierbij de aandacht vooral gericht op
> de ontwikkeling van methodes zoals Semantic Web technologie om
> digitale informatie binnen en buiten organisaties effectief te
> ontsluiten en te interpreteren. Concrete applicaties zijn o.a. te
> vinden in het Research data Management Systeem van TIFN, een early
> warning tool voor voeding-gerelateerde risico's van TNO en een door
> Unilever ontwikkelde webservice die de bittere smaak van
> ingrediënten kan voorspellen op basis van hun chemische structuur.
> Per 31 december zullen deze werkzaamheden formeel worden afgesloten.
> Voor een presentatie van de voortgang die gemaakt is binnen AID en
> FI nodigen wij U graag uit voor het symposium:
> Adaptive Information Disclosure & Food Informatics
> Op: Dinsdag 18 november, 2008 van 10:00 tot 17:00 uur
> In: Science Park - Eulerzaal
> Kruislaan 413
> Amsterdam
> We verzoeken u om deze datum alvast vast te leggen in uw agenda.
> Nadere details over het programma en de registratie zullen
> binnenkort worden bekend gemaakt.
> We hopen u op 18 november in Amsterdam te mogen ontvangen.
> Namens de AID en FI werkgroepen, met vriendelijke groet,
> Dirk Out en Scott Marshall
> T:010-4605678/020-5257522
From: Tevfik Kosar []
Sent: maandag 13 oktober 2008 20:03
To: Tevfik Kosar
Subject: CFP: Cluster 2009
Apologies if you receive this CFP through multiple channels.
Tevfik Kosar
Cluster 2009 Publicity Co-Chair
Call for Papers
2009 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing
(Cluster 2009)
29 August - 4 September 2009
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Cluster 2009 welcomes paper and poster submissions on innovative work from
researchers in academia, industry, and government, describing original research
in the field of cluster computing. Topics of interest include, but are not
limited to:
• Cluster Architecture and Hardware Systems
◦ Node architectures
◦ Packaging, Power, and Cooling
• Cluster Software and Middleware
◦ Software Environments and Tools
◦ Single -System Image Services
◦ Parallel File Systems and I/O Libraries
◦ Standard Software for Clusters
◦ Virtualization
• Cluster Networking
◦ High-Speed Interconnects
◦ High Performance Message Passing Libraries
◦ Lightweight Communication Protocols
• Implications of Multicore and Clouds on Clusters
◦ Hardware Architecture
◦ Software and Tools
◦ Networking
◦ Management
◦ Applications
• Applications
◦ Application Methods and Algorithms
◦ Adaptation to Multicore
◦ Data Distribution, Load Balancing & Scaling
◦ MPI/OpenMP Hybrid Computing
◦ Visualization
• Performance Analysis and Evaluation
◦ Benchmarking & Profiling Tools
◦ Performance Prediction & Modeling
• Cluster Management
◦ Security and Reliability
◦ High Availability Solutions
◦ Resource and Job Management
For submitting and formatting instructions, see the conference
web site:
Important Dates:
Workshop proposal deadline: 26 November 2008
Workshop notification: 22 December 2008
Tutorial proposal deadline: 31 March 2009
Technical paper submissions: 14 April 2009
Tutorial notification: 31 May 2009
Technical paper notification: 5 June 2009
Poster submissions: 12 June 2009
Poster notification: 17 July 2009
Poster camera ready deadline: 31 July 2009
Paper camera ready deadline: 31 July 2009
Conference Organizing Chairs and Committees:
General Chair
Daniel S. Katz, Louisiana State University, USA
General Vice Chair
Mark Baker, University of Reading, UK
Program Chair
Thomas Sterling, Louisiana State University, USA
Program Vice Chairs
Pete Beckman, Argonne National Lab, USA
William Camp, Intel, USA
Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, USA
William Gropp, University of Illinois, USA
Satoshi Matsuoka, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Bart Miller, Univ. of Wisconsin, USA
Poster Co-Chairs
Sushil Prasad, Georgia State University, USA
Eric Aubanel, University of New Brunswick, Canada
Workshops Chair
Wu Feng, Virginia Tech, USA
Tutorials Co-Chairs
Robert Ferraro, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
Bryan Biegel, NASA Ames, USA
Proceedings Chair
Ron Brightwell, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Publicity Co-Chairs
Omer Rana, Cardiff University, UK
Feilong Tang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Tevfik Kosar, Louisiana State University, USA
Finance Chair
Box Leangsuksun, Louisiana Tech University, USA
Sponsor and Exhibitors Co-Chairs
George Jones, Data Direct Networks, USA
Charlie McMahon, Louisiana State University, USA
Local Arrangements Chair
Karen Jones, Louisiana State University, USA
PR/Graphics Chair
Kristen Sunde, Louisiana State University, USA
The next grid meeting will be on Monday October 13 at 11:00 in room H3.31.
- Gridview & Infrastructure
- Middleware
- Applications
- Any Other Business
The minutes of previous meetings are available at:
Minutes will be taken by: Dennis
Enjoy the weekend,
I just want to celibate that I've submitted patch number #2511
( called:
"SCAS: lcmaps-plugins-scas-client and scas (service)."
Jan Just tested the latest version from lots of worker nodes on our farm
and the service seems very stable and happy.
Of course this doesn't mean we're finished with the topic of 'Site
Central Authorization Service' just yet. We're entering a new phase
regarding gLExec and SCAS, hopefully (I'm pretty confident) to have a
similar impact in gLite's middleware puzzle has we had with LCAS and LCMAPS.
The next grid meeting will be on Monday October 6 at 11:00 a.m. in
room *H3.20* (no video conf.).
- Gridview & Infrastructure
- Middleware
- Applications
- Any Other Business
The minutes of previous meetings are available at:
Minutes will be taken by: Gerben
Prettig Weekend,