the next BiG Grid meeting is *not* going to be on 22 December as was
originally planned.
I propose to start on the first Monday of the new year, so that will be
5 January, at 13.30h (location to be announced).
If you intend to come, please let me know; if you have problems with
this date and time, also please let me know because we need to stay 'out
of sync' with other meetings that are regularly held Monday afternoons.
Cheers, best wishes, have a safe New Year,
Dennis van Dok
D.H. van Dok :: Software Engineer :: www.nikhef.nl :: www.vl-e.nl
Phone +31 20 592 50 12 :: http://www.nikhef.nl/~dennisvd/
Begin forwarded message:
> From: MArcel Vreeswijk <h73(a)nikhef.nl>
> Date: 10 December 2008 09:46:10 GMT+01:00
> To: graven(a)nikhef.nl, Marcel Merk <marcel.merk(a)nikhef.nl>, atlas-pat(a)nikhef.nl
> Subject: sage , a alternative for MAthematica
> Reply-To: Marcel Vreeswijk <h73(a)nikhef.nl>
> Hi,
> From time to time, people need Mathematica which is not available
> everywhere at Nikhef.
> Consider to use a very nice (open source) package: sage. See: http://www.sagenb.org/
> The possibilities are practically unlimted!
> you can run it on your own machine, but i created an account (<10
> seconds) and run it online. For example, if you forgot how to
> integrate 1/(x^3+1) , just type: integral( 1/(x^3+1), x) and click
> evaluate. (note that it uses python language).
> Have fun, MArcel
The next Big Grid meeting will be on Monday 8 December, from *13.00* to
14.00h in room N3.28.
Note the earlier starting time!
The agenda:
- operations summary
- middleware
- applications
Enjoy the weekend and/or pakjesavond,
D.H. van Dok :: Software Engineer :: www.nikhef.nl :: www.vl-e.nl
Phone +31 20 592 50 12 :: http://www.nikhef.nl/~dennisvd/
The next BiG Grid Meeting is scheduled for Dec 8; the start time of this
meeting is currently set to 13.30h.
We are kindly requested to reschedule a little earlier (13.00-14.00)
just this once, so another meeting can start on time in the same room.
I'm inclined to consent unless there are reasonable objections. Please
let me know.
D.H. van Dok :: Software Engineer :: www.nikhef.nl :: www.vl-e.nl
Phone +31 20 592 50 12 :: http://www.nikhef.nl/~dennisvd/