Beste grid-tijdschrijvers,
Per 30 april eindigde de eerste 'reporting period' van zowel EMI als EGI
InSPIRE. Dat betekent dat we in korte tijd (1 week) de voorlopige
financiële realisatie over het eerste projectjaar moeten opleveren. Daar
hebben we de volledige urenrealisatie bij nodig.
Mijn dringende verzoek aan jullie allen: completeer deze week uiterlijk
woensdag je urenadministratie tot en met -in elk geval- 30 april 2011!
Als je nog een reisafrekening op één van beide projecten hebt …
[View More]liggen:
rond die ook zo snel mogelijk af.
Alvast dank,
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Hi all,
Both for your own interest as well as to forward to users and communities
you like: the first European Globus Community Forum!
We would like to inform you about the upcoming European Globus Community
Forum (EGCF), taking place in Munich, Germany from May 18-19, 2011.
Participation is free of charge:
This event will give current and new Globus users and developers the
opportunity not only to learn about the state of the …
[View More]union of the Globus
software stack and how the IGE project can help scientists to leverage
resources of the European distributed computing infrastructures (DCIs) for
their research, but also gives a unique opportunity to actively participate
in the building of the Globus community in Europe. This is your chance to
network with other European Globus users and developers, to get to know each
other, and to learn how your colleagues employ Globus to advance their
science projects.
Lots of new features and services have been added to Globus lately,
including hosted 'software as a service' and cloud offerings such as Globus
The agenda of the meeting features highlights such as
* keynote by Steve Tuecke on future development of Globus and Globus Online,
* keynote by Steven Newhouse on the EGI vision of the DCI landscape in
Europe, and
* the constitution of the EGCF Council and the election of its speaker.
Besides these lighthouse events, workshops on the European Globus Hub, the IGE
testbed, a European Globus Statistics Collector, and other important topics
will take place, leaving plenty space for discussion on European requirements
to Globus-related topics. A social dinner complements the event with genuine
Bavarian food and drinks, and allows to mingle with colleagues and meet new
The EGCF is an integral part of the IGE project, which coordinates the support
for Globus in Europe — the voice of the users will be heard not only in the
project itself, but also amplified towards the Globus developer team in the
United States. As such, it provides a great opportunity to bring in a
community-centric, science-biased view into the Globus view by providing
requirements, requesting features, and discussing best practices.
Register, free of charge, at
David Groep
** Nikhef, Dutch National Institute for Sub-atomic Physics,PDP/Grid group **
** Room: H1.50 Phone: +31 20 5922179, PObox 41882, NL-1009DB Amsterdam NL **
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Beste allen,
Het Netherlands eScience Center (gevestigd in Matrix-1, hier op het
Science Park) heeft een vacature voor een CTO / Head of Technology. Zie
Als je hiervoor belangstelling hebt, kan ik -indien gewenst- een beetje
meer context geven. Loop dan even bij me langs.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: EGI User Virtualisation Workshop 12-13th May 2011
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2011 11:58:21 +0200
From: Steven Newhouse <steven.newhouse(a)>
To: Representatives of FP7 technology projects within the EGI ecosystem.
<dci-projects(a)>, cloud-discuss(a),
EGI InSPIRE collaboration board <inspire-cb(a)>,
Council <council(a)>,
[View More], Technology Coordination Board
(TCB) discussions <tcb-discuss(a)>
CC: EGI-InSPIRE Project Management Board <inspire-pmb(a)>,
" Executive Board" <executive-board(a)>
*** Apologies for cross posting - but please redistribute to your
relevant internal lists ***
The EGI User Virtualisation Workshop in Amsterdam 12-13th May 2011
( now has an updated and more detailed agenda on
the website as a result of reflections at recent meetings. Please
register by Friday 6th May 2011 so we can plan attendance.
In addition we are asking for participation from:
* Potential Users of virtualised resources: How do you expect to
consume these interfaces? How do your plans match the 6 basic
scenarios presented here - Do you
have additional usage scenarios? If you would like to present how your
needs will match these scenarios and how they may go beyond these
please email michel.drescher(a) A template will be available in
the next few days to help structure your presentation for the Thursday
morning session.
* Potential providers of resources & technology: The primary goal of
the workshop is to accelerate the deployment and adoption of
virtualised resources to provide a more flexible and responsive
computing environment for our end-users. In the Friday afternoon
session (after we have consolidated requirements and issues) we would
like to give you the opportunity to say what you are planning to
deploy/develop that could help meet the identified scenarios. We are
not after prepared presentations but speakers willing to respond to
issues raised during the workshop - even that morning! Please email
michel.drescher(a) if you are willing to do this so we can
schedule responses.
* Technical breakout sessions on the management interfaces,
accounting, monitoring and information that is needed around
virtualised resources. Volunteers to lead these sessions on the
Thursday afternoon and to report back on the discussions on the Friday
morning are requested. These breakouts will address what are the
common interfaces or standards currently available in these areas?
What is the maturity of the existing implementations? What issues need
to be resolved before wider deployment or adoption.
I look forward to seeing you all in Amsterdam in two weeks time for a
productive and active workshop.
Steven Newhouse
EGI-InSPIRE Project Director Director
Tel: +31 20 592 2286
Mob: +31 6 3037 2845
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Beste gebruikers van de Nikhef Data Processing Faciliteit en SSO,
Dear users of the Nikhef Data Processing Facility and SSO,
(English follows Dutch)
Op dinsdag 8 maart a.s. (volgende week) zal er gepland onderhoud
plaatsvinden aan een deel van de netwerk faciliteiten bij Nikhef. De
centrale 'router' in het NDPF netwerk zal worden vervangen door een
nieuw exemplaar, waarbij alle verbindingen worden verbroken. Vanwege
fysieke …
[View More]beperkingen (kabellengtes en kastruimte) is het helaas niet
mogelijk deze vervanging uit te voeren zonder onderbreking van de
grid en NikIdM diensten.
De volgende diensten zullen op 8 maart van 09.00 CET tot ca. 17.00
- SSO en federatieve diensten (SURFspot, MailFilter, grid certificaten)
- het wijzigen van wachtwoorden of mail aliases
- grid computing services op NIKHEF-ELPROD
- de qsub-tunnel ('nsub') op ikohefnet desktop systemen
- data opgeslagen op
- WMS brokering en andere grid services op domeinen
Afgezien van SSO en storage zijn al deze diensten ook beschikbaar op de
andere BiG Grid sites, zoals bij SARA, RUG-CIT, en HTC-Philips, en
op de overige sites in EGI en wLCG. Deze blijven gewoon beschikbaar.
Ook andere Nikhef diensten zijn gewoon bereikbaar tijdens dit onderhoud.
Deze vervanging is noodzakelijk voor consolidatie van bandbreedte, de
introductie van IPv6 in productie binnen de grid netwerken, en ter
voorbereiding op high-throughput cloud services binnen BiG Grid.
Er is bij ingrijpende werkzaamheden altijd kans dat het misloopt, ondanks
onze voorafgaande simulaties en tests - op deze schaal is het onmogelijk om
alles van tevoren te testen. Indien dit gebeurt zal aan het eind van deze
dag de oude situatie worden hersteld en - na diagnose - op donderdag 10 een
nieuwe poging worden ondernomen.
Wij hopen op uw begrip!
On Tuesday March 8 (next week) scheduled intrusive network maintenance will
be performed on selected parts of the Nikhef network infrastructure, affecting
Grid and NikIdM (single sign-on) services. The routing equipment at the
core of the grid network will be replaced and all links have to be
reconnected to the new device. Due to physical limitations - cable lengths
and cabinet space - this cannot be done without service interruption.
The following services WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE on March 8, from 0900-1700 CET:
- single sign-on and federative services (SURFspot, MailFilter, certificates)
- changing your password or adding email aliases
- grid computing services at NIKHEF-ELPROD
- the qsub-tunnel ('nsub') from the Nikhef desktop network
- access to data stored at
- WMS, brokering, and other Grid services hosted on domains
Apart from the SSO and storage services, alternatives are available at
our partner BiG Grid sites, such as SARA, RUG-CIT and HTC-Philips. Also
all other sites in EGI and wLCG can be used.
Other services at Nikhef are not affected by this maintenance.
The new network router allows for consolidation of bandwidth and better
interconnects, the introduction of production-level IPv6 services in the
grid network, and prepares for the introduction of high-throughput
cloud services at Nikhef in the context of BiG Grid.
However extensive the planning and testing, there is always the possibility
of some horrible failure. At this scale, it is unrealistic to test every
possible interaction in the system. Were such a failure to occur, we can
restore the old situation at the end of the day, and a new attempt will be
done on Thursday March 10 -- of course after due diagnosis of the failure.
We hope for your understanding!
David Groep
** Nikhef, Dutch National Institute for Sub-atomic Physics,PDP/Grid group **
** Room: H1.50 Phone: +31 20 5922179, PObox 41882, NL-1009DB Amsterdam NL **
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Based on comments in a recent ct grid meeting i've been playing around with
the terena certificates. This nice service enables members of accredited
organisations to apply for a certificate while using their home instutions
credential to identify themselves.
I have requested a certificate en succesfully became a member of a VO.
Be carefull: Changing your certificate dn would mean you will have problems
accessing your previous data.…
[View More]I have one question: are these fully qualified certificates for grid use, or
are their any differences? Are their any issues we would have to reckon
with? Does anybody have experiences with job-submission using a terena
Thanks for your thoughts,
Available identity providers
Universiteit Tilburg
Vrije universiteit
Tom Visser
Phone: +31617411603
Mail: tom.visser(a)
SARA Computing & Networking Services
High Performance Computing and Visualization
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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Talk by Tamas Kiss on Desktop Grids / Thu Jan 3, 11.00 @ Nikhef
Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2011 18:51:40 +0100 (CET)
From: Guido van 't Noordende <guido(a)>
To: sne(a)
CC: Oscar Koeroo <okoeroo(a)>, Mischa Salle <msalle(a)>,
dennisvd(a), Adam Belloum <A.S.Z.Belloum(a)>, "Ad Emmen
(AlmereGrid)" <ad(a)>, Jan Just Keijser
[View More]nl>, Tom Visser <tom.visser(a)>
Dear all,
Tomorrow, Thursday Jan. 3 at 11:00, Tamas Kiss from Westminster
University will give a talk on the EDGI/EDGeS work on Desktop Grids,
in particular interfacing with BOINC and XtremWeb from EGEE.
The talk is in part organized by AMC and Nikhef, and will be interesting
for most of us working on Grids or medical/security.
The talk is in room H331 at Nikhef; some people will leave for Nikhef
around 10.45 from the FNWI reception.
Hope to see you all tomorrow!
Best regards
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