
Begin forwarded message:

From: Gabby Zegers <>
Date: February 2, 2009 16:41:17  GMT+01:00
To: Wim Heubers <>, Jeff Templon <>
Cc: Frank Linde <>
Subject: [Fwd: Call for contributions to ERCIM News No. 77: Future Internet]

Klinkt wel leuk, misschien voor iemand van jullie groepen interessant?

Graag verspreiden dan!


Gabby Zegers

Nikhef, room H229a
Science Park 105
1098 XG Amsterdam
+31(0)20-592 5075

From: Annette Kik <>
Date: February 2, 2009 16:38:11 GMT+01:00
To:, Melissa van der Sande <>, Gabby Zegers <>, Marina den Hartog <>, "Mollee, M.L." <>, "Enneking, M.A.Q." <>, Raymond Hogerwerf <>
Cc: Teunis van Wijngaarden <>, "" <>
Subject: Call for contributions to ERCIM News No. 77: Future Internet

Beste collega-voorlichters van het Science Park Amsterdam,

Zoals vanmiddag beloofd stuur ik jullie de call voor ERCIM News, het kwartaalblad van het European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM). Het blad wordt gelezen door ca. 10.500 Europese onderzoekers en EU-beleidsmakers en heeft een hoge Google-ranking. Het aprilnummer wordt een special over 'Future Internet Technology'.

Heeft een van jullie onderzoekers belangstelling om één artikel over dit onderwerp aan te leveren? Het gaat om ca. 750 woorden over recent, eigen onderzoek (geen overzicht, geen plannen), Engelstalig, voor een breed beta-academisch publiek, met een 'teaser' en een mooie illustratie. De precieze richtlijnen staan onderaan deze mail.

NB Er is een review proces; er kan dus geen garantie gegeven worden voor plaatsing. Een artikel wordt eerst door mij (editor Nederland) nagekeken en vervolgens naar de wetenschappelijke coordinatoren gestuurd. Zij beslissen of het artikel geplaatst wordt. De deadline is 27 februari.

Als iemand belangstelling heeft, laat hem/haar dan graag z.s.m. contact met mij opnemen, dan kan ik de richtlijnen telefonisch toelichten.

Vriendelijke groeten,

Annette Kik
wetenschapsvoorlichter Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI)
en editor Nederland ERCIM News
tel. 020 - 592 4248 (ma, wo-vr) / 9333



Call for contributions to ERCIM News No. 77 (April 2009)
(also available at
Guidelines for articles below


Articles have to be sent to the local editor for your country
for the Netherlands:

The sections of ERCIM News 77 are :

   * Joint ERCIM Actions
   * The European Scene
   * Special Theme: "Future Internet Technology"
   * R&D and Technology Transfer
   * Events
   * In Brief

ERCIM News 77 Special Theme: "Future Internet Technology"

coordinated by:
François Baccelli, INRIA-ENS
Jon Crowcroft, University of Cambridge

For this special theme, we solicit short articles covering the topics:

- Architectures and infrastructures
- Internet modeling, simulation and measurements
- Self managing networks
- Embedded Internet
- Media Internet/media-driven networks
- Identity management/security
- the Internet of things
- Vehicular Internet
- Energy saving and the Internet

Articles submitted to the special theme are subject to a review process.

Guidelines for ERCIM News articles
Style: ERCIM News is read by a large variety of people. Keeping this in
mind the article should be descriptive (emphasize more the 'what' than
the 'how') without too much technical detail together with an
illustration, if possible.

Length: Keep the article short, i.e. 700-800 words.

Format: Submissions preferably in ASCII text or MS Word,
Pictures/Illustrations must be submitted as separate files (not embedded
in a MS Word file)

Structure of the article:
The emphasis in ERCIM News is on 'NEWS'. This should be reflected in
both title and lead ('teaser').

   * Title
   * Author (full name, not more than two or three authors)
   * Teaser:
     a few words about the project/topic. Printed in bold face, this
part is intended to raise interest. (keep it short)
   * Details describing:
     what the project/product is
     who is involved
     where it takes place
     why the research is being done
     when it was started/completed the aim of the project
     the techniques employed
     the orientation of the project
     future activities
     other institutes involved in this project
     co-operation with other ERCIM members in this field
   * Useful Link(s) (only web links, no references!)
   * Contact address with:
     - full name of the author
     - phone number
     - e-mail address
   * Additional items:
     an illustration (photos, graphics), for example of the product,
applications mentioned in the article, people working on the project,
etc. (avoids  as much as possible flow chart and screen dumps).

Publishing in ERCIM News offers several advantages:

- ERCIM News represents an excellent opportunity to present your
research to a broad audience, also outside your own research community
   - the printed edition has a circulation of 10,500 copies
   - the online edition ( has excellent visibility with a Google ranking of PR8
- ERCIM News is widely distributed in the European Commission
- ERCIM offers a free professional proof-reading service
- Authors can reuse their articles; the copyright of the articles
remains with the authors.