Based on comments in a recent ct grid meeting i've been playing around with the terena certificates. This nice service enables members of accredited organisations to apply for a certificate while using their home instutions credential to identify themselves.
I have requested a certificate en succesfully became a member of a VO. Be carefull: Changing your certificate dn would mean you will have problems accessing your previous data.
I have one question: are these fully qualified certificates for grid use, or are their any differences? Are their any issues we would have to reckon with? Does anybody have experiences with job-submission using a terena certificate?
Thanks for your thoughts,
Available identity providers NIKHEF SARA SURFNET TERENA TUDELFT Universiteit Tilburg Vrije universiteit
Tom Visser Phone: +31617411603 Mail: tom.visser@sara.nl SARA Computing & Networking Services High Performance Computing and Visualization http://www.sara.nl