Dear all,
Please have a look and register for this event!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Globus goes "software-as-a-service" - the fastest and simplest way to move your data
The first ever GlobusEUROPE annual conference, organised by IGE, will be held on 19th September 2011 at Lyon, France. GlobusEUROPE is a European counterpart of GlobusWORLD and has an equally strong community focus with a European touch. This event will be co-located with the Technical Forum of the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI). Invited speakers include Steve Tuecke, co-PI for the Globus project at University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory’s Computation Institute.
Session themes include: - Globus European User Experiences - Globus Online
GlobusEUROPE will be a valuable opportunity to learn about the latest Globus developments, future plans and to share your Globus success stories with experts like you and Globus representatives from The University of Chicago.
See you all on Mondat September 19th!