Hi all,
Just to announce that the latest stable release of Ganga (v 5.1.1) has been deployed at NIKHEF. It's available on NIKHEF desktops (e.g. elel20).
- The release note: http://ganga.web.cern.ch/ganga/release/5.1.1/release/ReleaseNotes-5.1.1 - configuration change at NIKHEF: * job submission to LCG is adopting the recently installed gLite WMS service at NIKHEF
To start using it at NIKHEF: http://www.nikhef.nl/pub/experiments/atlaswiki/index.php/Using_GANGA_with_AM...
comments and issue report: hn-atlas-dist-analysis-help@cern.ch
Cheers, Hurng