On 27 May 2016, at 12:09, Cees de Laat <delaat@uva.nl> wrote:

Beste mensen,

Oke, kan deze convocatie met de eerstvolgende nieuwsbrief uit?


Hierbij nodigen we alle leden van Gridforum Nederland uit voor een Algemene Ledenvergadering. Belangrijkste agendapunt is de opheffing van de vereniging. Aan alle goede dingen komt een eind. Voor het Gridforum is dat nu. De aandacht van de community voor grids als technologie voor gedistribueerde computing is inmiddels verlegd naar onderwerpen als clouds en big data. Het bestuur heeft enkele jaren geleden al besloten geen contributie meer te heffen en de activiteiten te beperken tot het uitbrengen van de maandelijkse nieuwsbrief. Nu is de kas van de vereniging leeg.

De agenda van ALV is bijgevoegd. We hopen van harte U allen te ontmoeten.

Datum/tijd 27 juni 2016, 16h30
Plaats: Science Park 904, Amsterdam, zaal wordt bekendgemaakt.

- opening
- vaststelling agenda
- overzicht activiteiten
- verslag kas commissie
- besluit tot opheffing vereniging
- wat verder ter tafel komt
- sluiting vergadering

Namens het bestuur van GridForumNederland,
Met vriendelijke groet,
Cees de Laat

Met groet,

On 17 mei 2016, at 21:33, arjen van rijn <avr@nikhef.nl> wrote:

Beste Cees, collega's,

Inderdaad moet de convocatie uit. Ik doe hieronder nog een suggestie voor een kleine aanpassing aan de tekst:


Hierbij nodigen we alle leden van Gridforum Nederland uit voor een Algemene Ledenvergadering. Belangrijkste agendapunt is de opheffing van de vereniging. Aan alle goede dingen komt een eind. Voor het Gridforum is dat nu. De aandacht van de community voor grids als technologie voor gedistribueerde computing is inmiddels verlegd naar onderwerpen als clouds en big data. Het bestuur heeft enkele jaren geleden al besloten geen contributie meer te heffen en de activiteiten te beperken tot het uitbrengen van de maandelijkse nieuwsbrief. Nu is de kas van de vereniging leeg.

De agenda van ALV is bijgevoegd. We hopen van harte U allen te ontmoeten.

On 17-5-2016 21:23, Cees de Laat wrote:
We moeten nu de convocatie uitsturen voor de opheffingsmeeting. De datum die het beste uitkomt is maandag 27 juni. Ik hoop dat dat bij iedereen het geval is, laat anders snel weten. Op dinsdag kon de penningmeester niet. Voor het bestuur en kascommissie doen we aansluitend een dinner. De kascommissie (Michiel Leenaars) komt voor de ALV bijeen met penningmeester.

Graag correctie…, Jacqueline, kan jij een zaaltje boeken in het open deel (A114 oid)?

Met groet,


Hierbij nodigen we alle leden van GridForum Nederland uit voor een Algemene Ledenvergadering. Belangrijkste agendapunt is opheffing van de vereniging. Aan alle goede dingen komt een eind. Voor het Grid Forum is dat nu aangezien de aandacht van de community nu uitgaat naar clouds en big data. Een agenda is bijgevoegd, we hopen van harte U allen te ontmoeten.

Datum/tijd 27 juni 2016, 16h30
Plaats: Science Park 904, Amsterdam, zaal wordt bekendgemaakt.

- opening
- vaststelling agenda
- overzicht activiteiten
- verslag kas commissie
- besluit tot opheffing vereniging
- wat verder ter tafel komt
- sluiting vergadering

Namens het bestuur van GridForumNederland,
Met vriendelijke groet,
Cees de Laat

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Subject: Primeur Magazine/0518/Ron Perrott,lleader in HPCreceives ACM Distinguished Service Award/Spring 2016 edition of the e-IRG newsletter available/
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Primeur magazine

Edition: weekly - Issue: 2016-05-17

Quantum computing

New design of primitive quantum computer finds application

Scientists and engineers from the Universities of Bristol and Western Australia have developed how to efficiently simulate a "quantum walk" on a new design for a primitive quantum computer. Quantum computers have significant potential to open entirely new directions for processing information and to overhaul the way that we think about and use the science of computation. Modern computers already play a huge role in society - they routinely handle and process vast amounts of data and solve calculations at an incredible rate. However, there are some problems that they just cannot solve in a useful amount of time, no matter how fast they become. The concept of a quantum computer aims to address this, exploring uncharted computation and solving at least some of these problems that classical computers cannot. Read further...

Scientists take a major leap toward a perfect quantum metamaterial

Scientists have devised a way to build a "quantum metamaterial" - an engineered material with exotic properties not found in nature - using ultracold atoms trapped in an artificial crystal composed of light. The theoretical work represents a step toward manipulating atoms to transmit information, perform complex simulations or function as powerful sensors. Read further...

A compact, efficient single photon source that operates at ambient temperatures on a chip

Quantum information science and technology has emerged as a new paradigm for dramatically faster computation and secure communication in the 21st century. At the heart of any quantum system is the most basic building block, the quantum bit or qbit, which carries the quantum information that can be transferred and processed - this is the quantum analogue of the bit used in current information systems. The most promising carrier qbit for ultimately fast, long distance quantum information transfer is the photon, the quantum unit of light. Read further...

D-Wave Systems and 1QBit partner with financial industry experts to launch Quantum for Quants online community

D-Wave Systems Inc., a quantum computing company, 1QB Information Technologies Inc., a quantum software firm, and financial industry experts have launched Quantum for Quants, an online community designed specifically for quantitative analysts and other experts focused on complex problems in finance. Launched at the Global Derivatives Trading & Risk Management conference in Budapest, the online community will allow quantitative finance and quantum computing professionals to share ideas and insights regarding quantum technology and to explore its application to the finance industry. Through this community financial industry experts will also be granted access to quantum computing software tools, simulators, and other resources and expertise to explore the best ways to tackle the most difficult computational problems in finance using entirely new techniques. Read further...

Focus on Europe

Spring 2016 edition of the e-IRG newsletter available

The Spring edition of the e-IRG newsletter is now available for download. Read further...

Up to 150,000 euro up for grabs per European SME to fund CPS experiments

Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Europe can apply for up to 150,000 euro to develop new products and components for cyber-physical systems (CPS) under the latest call from the EuroCPS project. The deadline for applications is 1 June 2016, and applicants will be notified of whether their application has been successful by 20 July 2016. Read further...

Alder Hey Children's Hospital set to become UK's first cognitive hospital

Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust has launchedd a ground-breaking multi-year collaborative programme with the Science and Technology Facilities Council's (STFC) Hartree Centre, supported by IBM, to create the United Kingdom's first 'cognitive' hospital by harnessing 'Big Data' and the power of IBM's Watson technology platform. Read further...

Leibniz Supercomputing Centre to host Workshop on HPC for Water Related Hazards

The Czech-Bavarian Competence Team for Supercomputing Applications invites all interested researchers to a workshop on large-scale simulation of water-related hazard scenarios. Contributed presentations are welcome for June 30 on all related topics, such as simulation of rain-induced floods, storm surges, tsunamis, and similar events. The workshop will be organized June 29 - July 1, 2016, at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre in Munich, Germany. Read further...

Registration still open for 9th International Workshop on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications

The 9th International Workshop on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications (PMAA16) will be held in Bordeaux, France, and will run from July 6 to 8, 2016. Read further...

Ron Perrott, an international leader in high performance computing receives ACM Distinguished Service Award

ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, has announced that Ron Perrott, an international leader in the development and promotion of parallel computing, will receive ACM's prestigious Distinguished Service Award. With nearly 100,000 members, ACM is the world's largest and most prominent computing society. The goal of ACM's Awards and Recognition Programme is to highlight outstanding technical and professional achievements and contributions in computer science and IT. Ron Perrott will be formally honoured at the ACM Awards Banquet on June 11 in San Francisco. Read further...


Allinea tools to unleash research potential for Flemish supercomputer users

The Flemish Supercomputer Center (VSC) is helping scientists and researchers to unleash their potential and accelerate a host of important supercomputer based discoveries using tools from Allinea, a provider of software for developing and optimizing high performance code. Allinea's software tools will be used to speed up code performance and results for users of its state of the art new machine for High Performance Computing (HPC) based research. The new Tier-1 TOP500 NEC cluster is expected to go live in October 2016, replacing the previous Tier-1 and representing Belgium's largest investment in HPC to date. Read further...

NSF grant to enable research computing infrastructure dedicated to science and engineering

Florida Atlantic University has received a $500,000, two-year grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to install networking infrastructure to amplify its ability to conduct data-intensive science and engineering research. The network design, referred to as a DMZ, isolates research traffic from other university network operations to achieve high performance. The network will provide faculty and students with a tenfold increase in capacity. Read further...


Leading thinkers convene in UK to tackle supercomputer efficiency barriers

Global efforts to bring about crucial improvements in supercomputing efficiency and energy usage were placed centre stage as the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) welcomed users and vendors from around the world to London for the Cray User Group 2016 conference. Read further...

Fujitsu receives order for 25 Petaflop/s supercomputer from the he University of Tokyo and the University of Tsukuba

Fujitsu has received an order for a many-core large-scale supercomputer system from the University of Tokyo and the University of Tsukuba. The system will be deployed to the Joint Center for Advanced High-Performance Computing (JCAHPC), which the two universities jointly operate. The new supercomputer will be an x86 cluster system consisting of 8,208 of the latest FUJITSU Server PRIMERGY x86 servers. These will run on the next-generation Intel Xeon Phi processors (Intel development code name: Knights Landing), and achieve a theoretical aggregate performance of 25 petaflops (PFLOPS). The system is due to be completely operational starting December 2016, when it is expected to be Japan's highest-performance supercomputer. Read further...

Call for Papers for PGAS Applications Workshop

The PGAS Applications Workshop will be held on November 14, 2016 in Salt Lake City, Utah in conjunction with SC16 and in cooperation with SIGHPC, the ACM Special interest Group on HPC. The scope of the PAW workshop is to provide a forum for exhibiting case studies of PGAS programming models in the context of real-world applications as a means of better understanding practical applications of PGAS technologies. The submission deadline for papers is July 31, 2016. Read further...

IBM scientists achieve storage memory breakthrough

For the first time, scientists at IBM Research have demonstrated reliably storing 3 bits of data per cell using a relatively new memory technology known as phase-change memory (PCM). The current memory landscape spans from venerable DRAM to hard disk drives to ubiquitous flash. But in the last several years PCM has attracted the industry's attention as a potential universal memory technology based on its combination of read/write speed, endurance, non-volatility and density. For example, PCM doesn't lose data when powered off, unlike DRAM, and the technology can endure at least 10 million write cycles, compared to an average flash USB stick, which tops out at 3,000 write cycles. This research breakthrough provides fast and easy storage to capture the exponential growth of data from mobile devices and the Internet of Things. Read further...


The Sun's magnetic field during the grand minimum is in fact at its maximum

The study of the Sun's long-term variation over a millennium by means of supercomputer modelling showed that during a time period of the Maunder Minimum type, the magnetic field may hide at the bottom of the convection zone. The study conducted by the Aalto University Department of Computer Science, the ReSoLVE Centre of Excellence and the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research seeks explanation for the mechanisms underlying the long-term variation in solar activity. The research team comprised Maarit Käpylä, Petri Käpylä, Nigul Olspert, Axel Brandenburg, Jaan Pelt, Jörn Warnecke and Bidya B. Karak. The recently published study was carried out by running a global computer model of the Sun on Finland's most powerful supercomputer over a period of six months. Read further...

IBM and UMBC collaborate to advance cognitive cybersecurity

IBM Research and the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) plan for a multi-year collaboration to create the Accelerated Cognitive Cybersecurity Laboratory (ACCL), which will be housed within the College of Engineering and Information Technology at UMBC. Opening in the fall of 2016, the lab will work to advance scientific frontiers in the application of cognitive computing to cybersecurity via analytics and machine learning, while also exploring specialized computer power optimized for these new intensive computing workloads. Read further...

Ten PhD students from across the USA selected as Blue Waters Graduate Fellows

Ten outstanding computational science PhD students from across the USA have been selected to receive Blue Waters Graduate Fellowships for 2016-2017. The fellowship programme, now in its third year, provides substantial support and the opportunity to leverage the petascale power of National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois's Blue Waters supercomputer to advance their research. The awards are made to outstanding PhD graduate students who have decided to incorporate high performance computing and data analysis into their research. Read further...

Tiny terrors: Researcher works to uncover how bacteria develop antibiotic resistance through efflux pumps

There are many ways that bacteria can develop antibiotic resistance - through acquiring resistance from another bacterium, or through the function of protein complexes known as efflux pump that expel antibiotics out of the bacterial cell. These protein structures are extremely small - if the period at the end of this sentence is one millimeter, then 100,000 pumps will fit inside the period, according to Fatemeh Khalili-Araghi, assistant professor in physics at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Fatemeh Khalili-Araghi is working to understand how the efflux pumps function in gram-negative bacteria like E. coli. Read further...

Exxact Corporation extends its deep learning solutions with NVIDIA DGX-1 deep learning system

Exxact Corporation, a provider of high performance computing solutions for GPU-accelerated deep learning research, will offer the new NVIDIA DGX-1 deep learning system, further expanding its extensive portfolio of deep learning hardware solutions. Read further...

Engine design takes a major leap at Argonne

The search for a truly revolutionary engine design that can make dramatic gains in efficiency requires deep scientific understanding and tools. Lots and lots of tools. In the past, tools were needed to make prototypes, requiring repeated testing and retrofitting along with a healthy dose of engineer's intuition to determine which ideas held the most promise. In the future, however, the most important tool for designing engines may well be computers, specifically supercomputers that can virtually test and evaluate thousands of designs simultaneously, weeding out the less promising and leaving behind only those with the most potential, thereby greatly reducing development costs. Read further...

The Cloud

IBM Watson to tackle cybercrime

IBM Security has introduced Watson for Cyber Security, a new Cloud-based version of the company's cognitive technology trained on the language of security as part of a year-long research project. To further scale the system, IBM plans to collaborate with eight universities to greatly expand the collection of security data IBM has trained the cognitive system with. Read further...


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Publisher: Genias Benelux bv.

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