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Begin forwarded message:

From: Silvia Olabarriaga <>
Subject: sponsorship for HealthGrid and IWSG-Life in Amsterdam, 2012
Date: December 9, 2011 12:38:26 PM PST
To: Cees de Laat <>

Dear Cees,

As you might know, two events will take place at the AMC in May 2012:
+ tenth HealthGrid conference, 21-23 May
+ fourth Intl. Workshop on Scientific Gateways for Life Sciences (IWSG-Life), 23-25 May
These are international scientific events on topics related to e-infrastructures, life science and healthcare, and as such related to the vision promoted by the Dutch Grid Forum. See more info in the attached A4.

We are currently seeking for sponsorship for HealthGrid and IWSG-Life in 2012. The attached A4 suggests some forms of sponsorship, but of course we are open to hearing what you have in mind or best suits your organization. For example, the program on Monday 21 May is flexible and could accommodate a special activity to be organized by the GridForum such as a tutorial, small workshop or a panel discussion.  I'm looking forward to discussing the possibilities with you or other colleagues that might be interested.

Thank you very much for your time and support (as always)

With best regards,

Silvia Olabarriaga,
General Chair of HealthGrid 2012