But of course there is also the wine tasting on Friday, so then I would like to be back in Utrecht at 17:00. And of course i hope you all would like to come as well. :)

Best regards,

From: Lennart van Doremalen <lvrvd@hotmail.com>
Sent: Friday, November 3, 2017 9:12:56 AM
To: its-assembly@nikhef.nl; Goran Simatovic
Subject: Re: [Its-assembly] google sheet
Hello Goran,

I have a meeting on Monday in utrecht, so if it is possible I would prefer to work at utrecht that day. Wednesday and Friday I am still available.

Best regards,

From: Its-assembly <its-assembly-bounces@nikhef.nl> on behalf of Goran Simatovic <gorans@nikhef.nl>
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2017 3:50:21 PM
To: its-assembly@nikhef.nl
Subject: [Its-assembly] google sheet

Hi all,

this file will be a placeholder for our activity planing.


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