Dear all,
Please find attached the announcement from Alberto Pace, concerning the Second Thematic CERN School of Computing (independent of the main summer CSC 2014). All participants are welcome, in particular the software developers and programmers in LHC experiments.
Andrzej Nowak
From: Yasemin Hauser
Sent: 17 January 2014 11:21
only 2 weeks left to register !!!
From: Alberto Pace
Sent: 06 December 2013 15:59
To: Computing School
Subject: Registration is open: Second Thematic school of computing: June 2014, Split, Croatia
Dear colleague,
The registration is open for the 2014 thematic CERN School of Computing focused on future high-throughput scientific computing on the topic of developing the next generation physics analysis applications that benefits from the new emerging hardware architectures.
This tCSC2014 will last one week and take place the 16-20 June 2014 in Split, Croatia and is independent from the main 2014 CERN School of Computing (to be held in August). See for all CSC upcoming schools.
The thematic school can be attended by any participant, including former and future CSC participants of the main summer school. Registration will close on January 31st, 2014. We are fully aware of the difficult financial period of many public institutions and we managed to arrange a very reasonable fee (550 EUR). Be aware that also this year the school will accept a limited number of participants.
The theme of the 2nd thematic CSC is “future high-throughput scientific computing”, covering:
1. Programming for Concurrency: Modern and performing C++, Expressing parallelism pragmatically, Resource protection and thread safety
2. Data oriented design: Designing for data, Data-intensive applications, Vectorization
3. Memory programming: Memory effects in hardware, Choosing data structures, Non-uniform memory
4. Acceleration: Principles of programming for accelerators, Direct, Offload, Symmetric mode, MIC
5. Efficient computing: Architecture refresher (big and small cores), Accurate and efficient floating point, Compilers: their strengths and weaknesses, Advanced performance monitoring and tuning
You are most welcome to pass-on this information to colleagues potentially interested, within or outside CERN. I also apologize to those who will receive this announcement through multiple channels.
Best Regards.
Alberto Pace
Director, CERN School of Computing