Dear all,
Enclosed please find the latest version of the program book. Can you please check and send me your comments before tomorrow (Wednesday, 10:00 hrs)?
The comments I already received from Andre and Marco:
* p. 17: Muntz -> Müntz * Add information about the Young Scientist prize (new page between page 7 and 8, or after the poster list)
The European Physical Journal A (Springer) is sponsoring four young scientist awards of 300 Euro each. The awards are given for the best presentations and posters on theoretical and experimental topics. The prizes are for young scientists in the early phase of their career (up to the second post-doc position). Each presentation and poster will be evaluated for the excellence of the work done, the innovation in the methods and the didactic quality of the presentation or poster by a committee consisting of IAC members.
* Add information about the Summer school (where and which text?) Best regards, Miranda
Miranda Schouten-Motshagen --------------------------------------------------- [logo CBD signature]
P.O. Box 77 3480 DB Harmelen The Netherlands
Visiting address: Kloosterweg 6c, 3481 XC Harmelen
Tel: +31 (0)88 0898101 Mob: +31 (0)6 83662138 Web: www.congressbydesign.com [Cbd signature footer]