Hi Marco,

the slides were for the IAC meeting. Will make a subset for the announcement on Friday considering your comments.

Best, Andre

On 30 Jun 2016, at 20:08, Marco van Leeuwen <marco.van.leeuwen@nikhef.nl> wrote:

Hi Andre,

Nice slides! Are these slides meant for the IAC, or for the whole conference? If it's for the whole audience, I would suggest to leave out the budget slide and the IAC dinner slide. You could also consider leaving out the schedule slide, which is probably too much detail for a quick presentation at the end of the conference.

Best regards,


On 29/06/16 16:07, Mischke, A. (Andre) wrote:
Dear All,

the slides for the SQM 2017 announcement are posted at http://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~misch101/4Sylvia/
Comments are welcome.

Best, Andre

ps: Raimond, Panos and I went though them yesterday..

 Dr. André Mischke
 Associate Professor
 Institute for Subatomic Physics
 Center for Extreme Matter and Emergent Phenomena
 Faculty of Science
 Utrecht University Room: Ornstein Laboratorium OL 213A
 Princetonplein 1 Phone:  +(11) 31 30 253 2330
 3584 CS Utrecht Email:  a.mischke@uu.nl
 the Netherlands Website:  http://amischke.home.cern.ch

 Young Academy of Europe: http://www.yacadeuro.org

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