Dear all,

as promised here in attachment the cost estimates of the 2 days school. Note: at the end we remain with basically two scenarios, an expensive one, where we waive the full fee for all the students, and a “standard” one, where we waive the full fee only to 20 students and 50% of it to the rest.

The expensive option costs ~ 23k while the cheap one ~18k, both of them well within the 25+5K reserved in the general budget (teaching staff costes are considered). 

Finally note that I assumed to cover 2 nights in hostel or cheap hotels for the students. For this I assume an expensive option (that is considered already in the 23k) where we spend 120 euros per night per double room and a standard option where we spend 80 euros per night per double (that is considered already in the 18k). Probably this second option is closer to the reality since 120 is more the price of a 3 star hotel than of a 2 star or hostel.

What do you think?



Il giorno Oct 8, 2016, alle ore 4:48 PM, Mischke, A. (Andre) <> ha scritto:

Dear All,

here the final draft of the poster. Please comment before Tuesday noon.

Best, Andre

On 07 Oct 2016, at 14:51, Mischke, A. (Andre) <> wrote:

Dear All,

here the minutes of the meeting today.

The next LOC meeting is planned for 7 November 2016 at 10:00. I know it is the "ALICE week" but the date fits best Sylvia’s and my constraints.

Best, Andre


- Venue booked.
- Acquiring funding done.
- Conference dinner at Spoorwegmuseum 'almost booked'.
- Two-days school: Planning ongoing. Alessandro will circulate a budget estimate and the list of possible topics (and speakers).
- Poster is done. I will circulate it for last comments before it goes to the print.
- Setup of the website crucial at the moment. We decided to go for a general starting page (we have the url, which direct to the Indico conference page for information, registration, abstract submission, programme and proceedings.
Paul agreed to work on this with Kees and a student from us.
The idea is to have the first version of the full website by the end of October, which we then can test.
- Invited speakers: We might want to start to brain storm on this before asking input from the IAC. I will start this discussion in a separate email.

Comments are welcome.

Important dates:
• Opening abstract submission & early registration: 5 December 2016
• 1. Announcement: week of 5 December 2016
• 2. Announcement: 1 February 2017 (QM Chicago 6-11 Feb.)
• Abstract deadline: 15 March 2017 (extension: 30 March)
• Acceptance for oral talks before: 15 April 2017
• Early registration deadline (incl. hotel booking): 30 April 2017
• Latest conference information: June 2017
• Conference: 10-15 July 2017
• Proceedings deadline: 1 November 2017

 Dr. André Mischke
 Associate Professor
 Institute for Subatomic Physics
 Center for Extreme Matter and Emergent Phenomena
 Faculty of Science
 Utrecht University Room: Ornstein Laboratorium OL 213A
 Princetonplein 1 Phone:  +(11) 31 30 253 2330
 3584 CS Utrecht Email:
 the Netherlands Website:

 Young Academy of Europe:

On 29 Aug 2016, at 10:32, Mischke, A. (Andre) <> wrote:

Dear All,

the next SQM LOC meeting will take place on 7 October at 11:30 in OL 213A.
We will have updates on the poster, website, social programme etc.

Best, Andre

On 29 Jun 2016, at 16:07, Mischke, A. (Andre) <> wrote:

Dear All,

the slides for the SQM 2017 announcement are posted at
Comments are welcome.

Best, Andre

ps: Raimond, Panos and I went though them yesterday..

 Dr. André Mischke
 Associate Professor
 Institute for Subatomic Physics
 Center for Extreme Matter and Emergent Phenomena
 Faculty of Science
 Utrecht University Room: Ornstein Laboratorium OL 213A
 Princetonplein 1 Phone:  +(11) 31 30 253 2330
 3584 CS Utrecht Email:
 the Netherlands Website:

 Young Academy of Europe:

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