Dear all,

I just created the SQM Facebook page and, at least the one of you are in Facebook are added.

Of course comments are welcome


 Dr. Alessandro Grelli
 Assistant Professor,
 Institute for Subatomic Physics
 Center for Extreme Matter and Emergent Phenomena
 Faculty of Science, Utrecht University

 Ornstein Laboratorium OL 214
 Princetonplein 1
 3584 CC Utrecht

Il giorno 21 giu 2017, alle ore 15:54, Mischke, A. (Andre) <> ha scritto:

Dear Colleagues,

the next LOC meeting will take place on Monday, 3 July, at 10:00 in ONL 213A.

Best, Andre

 Dr. AndrĂ© Mischke
 Associate Professor, FYAE, MAE

 Institute for Subatomic Physics

 Center for Extreme Matter and Emergent Phenomena
 Faculty of Science
 Utrecht University Room: Ornstein Laboratorium ONL 213A
 Princetonplein 1 Phone:  +31 (0)30 253 2330
 3584 CC Utrecht Email:
 the Netherlands Website:
 On sabbatical from April-August 2017 at the 
 School of Physics and Astronomy
 University of Birmingham
 Birmingham B15 2TT
 Phone: +44 121 414 4674

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