Dear all,
Enclosed please find the schedule for organizational help / assistance during the SQM2017 conference. We kindly ask you to check the schedule and make sure you are at the correct place at the time you are scheduled. If there is really no way you can be there at the moment we scheduled you, please try to change with somebody else (and let us know) or let us know before July 3.
When arriving at the venue you will be informed in detail what is expected.
In case you have any question, please let us know.
With kind regards, On behalf of the local organizing committee, Miranda Schouten
Miranda Schouten-Motshagen --------------------------------------------------- [logo CBD signature]
P.O. Box 77 3480 DB Harmelen The Netherlands
Visiting address: Kloosterweg 6c, 3481 XC Harmelen
Tel: +31 (0)88 0898101 Mob: +31 (0)6 83662138 Web: www.congressbydesign.com [Cbd signature footer]