dear Organisers,
unfortunately I think I will not be able to sharply respect the deadline for the SQM proceedings.
Would it be possible to obtain an extension of the deadline?
Best regards,

Paolo Alba

Il giorno 05 ott 2017, alle ore 17:02, ha scritto:

Dear Paolo Giuseppe Alba,


We would like to remind all speakers of the SQM 2017 conference that the deadline for submitting a paper for the conference proceedings is on 15 October 2017. Papers submitted after the deadline will in general not be included in the proceedings. Speakers that submit a paper also need to upload a scanned License agreement.


The SQM 2017 conference proceedings will be published in European Physical Journal: Web of Conferences.

The proceedings information and instructions for authors are available here.


The page limit is

- 8 pages for 25-30 minutes plenary talks;

- 6 pages for 15-20 minutes plenary talks;

- 4 pages for parallel talks.


Please upload your contribution in pdf format on the Indico webpage

and also fill in and sign the License agreement and upload it via the Indico webpage.


It is important to ensure that when you submit your paper, it is in its final form print-ready for publication, and has been thoroughly proofread.


For any questions, please contact the Local Organising Committee via

Thank you very much for your cooperation.


Best regards,

SQM 2017 Local Organising Committee