Hello sqm2017@nikhef.nl My name is James Kingson, I am an account manager at Dashen Bank at our headquartered in Addis Ababa in Ethiopia.
My biggest client named Kim Alexandra worth of 15 Billion US Dollar lost his life on the 10th of March 2019 in the plan crash "Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 737" on his way to Nairobi for multi-billion dollar business meeting. Below is the linke of the crash.
Unfortunately, he has no wife, no children and he hasn't appoint his next of kin before he died. This is the reaosn why I am looking for a trust worthy person who I can trust and register as Mr. Alexandra's next of kin to claim his funds.
If you are interested, please kindly contact me for further details.
Your expected trust and co-operation will be highly appreciated and I hope to hear from you. Contact me via my private email