I would like to present as a poster.


Shusu Shi

 Original Message 
Sender: noreply-indico-team<noreply-indico-team@cern.ch>
Recipient: shiss<shiss@mail.ccnu.edu.cn>; linz<linz@ecu.edu>; sunxuhit<sunxuhit@gmail.com>
Date: Saturday, Apr 22, 2017 20:20
Subject: [Indico] SQM2017: abstract rejection notification (#13)

Dear Shusu Shi,

We are sorry to inform you that your abstract "A study of the strange vector meson spin alignment with the AMPT model" with ID #13 has not been selected for an oral presentation. 
If you are interested to present a poster please send an email to sqm2017@nikhef.nl and mention your abstract title and ID.

Kind regards,
The organizers of Strangeness in Quark Matter 2017

Indico :: Call for Abstracts