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Dear Sirs, It is glad to write to you with keen hope to open a business relationship with you.I obtained your email address from the Internet. Guangxi Chentian Metal Products Co.,Ltd.is a factory specialized in Tungsten Weights for Derby Car, Tungsten Super Shot,Tungsten Alloy Swaging Rod for Military,Tungsten Alloy Medium and Large Caliber Ammunition,Tungsten Fragment, Tungsten Alloy Military Spheres, Tungsten Anti-material Rifle Bullets, Tungsten Armour Piercing Bullets,Tungsten Alloy Military Cubes,Tungsten Alloy Super Weight For AR15 Buffer Systems,Tungsten Alloy Suker Rods,Tungsten Collimators, Tungsten Fishing Sinkers,Tungsten Radiation Shielding,Tungsten Alloy Crankshaft, Tungsten Darts,Tungsten Bucking Bar and Copper Tungsten .We already passed the factory audit from SGS. For more information, we would like to let you know our company web site as below. www.guangxitungsten.com http://chentiantungsten.manufacturer.globalsources.com Hope to hear good news from you. Sincerely Yours, KJ GAO CTO AND CSO GUANGXI CHENTIAN METAL PRODUCT CO.,LTD. http://www.tungstenalloy.asia http://www.guangxitungsten.com http://www.tungstenfishingweight.com http://chentiantungsten.manufacturer.globalsources.com Email: kjgao@guangxitungsten.com kjgao@tungstenalloy.xyz Add: Luzhai County Industrial Park, Liuzhou Guangxi 545600,China Tel: 0086-772-3600529 Fax: 0086-772-6811659 Cell:008613215340999
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