Dear All,

Prof. Lorenzo Magnea of the University of Turin is visiting Nikhef during May and June,
in the context of the LHCPhenoNet training network. He will give 8 lectures on 
infrared aspects of perturbative QCD: 4 next week, and 4 at the end of June.

May 28:  14.00-15.45 , H331
May 29:  14.00-15.45, H331
June:  TBA
June:  TBA

Title and abstract are

"Soft and Collinear Gluons in Perturbative QCD"

I will give a general introduction to the problem of infrared and collinear singularities in massless gauge theories, explaining our current understanding and pointing to several applications. Specifically, I will discuss how singularities arise in Feynman diagram calculations, and how they are bypassed to build meaningful physical observables; I will introduce some of the technology needed to prove factorization theorems and to derive Sudakov resummations for physically interesting cross sections; finally, I will describe some recent developments concerning the structure of singularities for general QCD amplitudes to all orders in perturbation theory.
