The following email has been sent to YOO, Jonghee:
Dear Jonghee Yoo,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: YOO, Jonghee
Submitted on: 26 November 2013 19:04
Title: Solid Xenon Particle Detector
Abstract content
The solid (crystallin) phase of xenon possesses many of the same advantages of liquid xenon as a particle detector material including good transparency, self-shielding, low intrinsic background, and high scintillation light yield. Many of the properties of solid xenon have been measured previously employing small volumes and thin films. Two major R&D issues must be addressed to make a solid xenon particle detector; the demonstration of the scalability of solid xenon and the capability to readout solid xenon signals. Both issues are being addressed with a dedicated cryogenic system at Fermilab. The first phase of this project entailed growing approximately a kilogram of transparent solid phase xenon and was successfully completed in 2010 at Fermilab. The second phase of this project is underway where the signals from scintillation light and electron drift in solid xenon, and more aggressively the crystallography of the solid xenon. In this talk, we will report the recent results of the solid xenon detector R&D at Fermilab.
Primary Authors:
YOO, Jonghee (Fermilab) <yoo(a)>
Abstract presenters:
YOO, Jonghee
Track classification:
Sensors: 1e) Novel technologies
Presentation type: --not specified--
The following email has been sent to YOO, Jonghee:
Dear Jonghee Yoo,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: YOO, Jonghee
Submitted on: 26 November 2013 19:01
Title: CENNS: A new method for measuring Coherent Elastic Neutrino
Nucleus Scattering
Abstract content
A recent study showed background limits to future dark matter searches coming from Coherent Elastic Neutrino Nucleus Scattering (CENNS) interactions of astrophysical and atmospheric neutrinos. There are a few possible ways to improve the limits by using directional measurements of the neutrino interactions and/or measuring time variation of the interactions. However, this CENNS background limit is a robust lower bound which can not be substantially reduced. Measuring the CENNS cross section and performing subsequent tests of higher energy neutrino interactions on various target materials will be extremely beneficial to future dark matter experiments.
We present a experimental method for measuring the process of CENNS. This method uses a low-energy threshold detector situated transverse to a high energy neutrino beam production target. This detector would be sensitive to the low energy neutrinos arising from pion decays-at-rest in the target. In this talk we will present the results of the beam induced background measurement, detector R&D and systematic uncertainties.
Primary Authors:
Dr. YOO, Jonghee (Fermilab) <yoo(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Dr. YOO, Jonghee
Track classification:
Experiments: 2c) Detectors for neutrino physics
Presentation type: --not specified--
The following email has been sent to Dr. HAST, Carsten:
Dear Carsten Hast,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: Dr. HAST, Carsten
Submitted on: 19 November 2013 02:23
Title: Electron Test Beams at SLAC
Abstract content
We present the current status and plans of the various electron test beams available at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. They span an energy range of a few MeV in our ASTA, mainly used for gun development and RF structure testing, NLCTA, a 120 to 200 MeV linac for free electron laser seeding, dielectric laser acceleration and medical studies, to ESTB, the End Station (A) Test Beam, which uses 5 Hz of the LCLS 2 to 16GeV beam for ILC MDI and detector R&D studies with primary beam and singel electrons, to FACET, which has a very compressed and small spot size 20GeV beam for plasma wakefield acceleration, material science and other advanced acceleration concepts studies. For all these facilities an overview of past, present and future experiments and plans will be given.
Primary Authors:
Dr. HAST, Carsten (SLAC) <hast(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Dr. HAST, Carsten
Track classification:
Sensors: 1e) Novel technologies
Experiments: 2a) Experiments & Upgrades
Presentation type: --not specified--
Comments: This is a suggested facilities talk, I am not quite sure
what the right category to choose is for that.
Dear TIPP organisers,
i would like to upload an abstract
for a talk on the LHCb HLT for TIPP14,
should i do this via mail to you or is there
a web-page which i missed?
many thanks in advance
Johannes Albrecht
for the LHCb Trigger project
The following email has been sent to SOHA, Aria:
Dear Aria Soha,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: SOHA, Aria
Submitted on: 12 November 2013 19:26
Title: Dark Matter Detector Prototype testing area Underground
Abstract content
Located 350 feet beneath the surface the MINOS Underground Areas, at Fermilab provide a useful shallow testing site for Dark Matter Detector R&D. It is accessible 24hrs/day, 365 days/year, under normal circumstances, with minimal training. The area is fully supported by Fermilab staff and resources, including network capabilities and other utilities.
It has been used by the DAMIC and COUPP experiments to trouble shoot problems before moving to the deeper and less accessible SNOLAB. Other notable test experiments include DM-Ice, Sci-Bath, Peanut, and ArgoNeuT.
Primary Authors:
Dr. LEE, Bill (Fermilab) <billl(a)>
SOHA, Aria (Fermilab) <aria(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Dr. LEE, Bill
Track classification:
Sensors: 1e) Novel technologies
Experiments: 2a) Experiments & Upgrades
Experiments: 2c) Detectors for neutrino physics
Experiments: 2d) Dark Matter Detectors
Presentation type: --not specified--
The following email has been sent to SOHA, Aria:
Dear Aria Soha,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: SOHA, Aria
Submitted on: 11 November 2013 22:55
Title: MWPC Tracking System Upgrade
Abstract content
The Multiwire Proportional Chamber Tracking System at the Fermilab Test Beam Facility has been upgraded. Improvements include a renovation of the chambers themselves to vastly improve noise on the signals. An extensive study was done to find the most efficient gas for operation, and a completely new electronics read-out system has been created to improve reliability, and system compatibility. Users can now have an ASCII file for each run to merge into their DAQ system, and an event display.
The Multiwire Proportional Chamber Tracking System at the Fermilab Test Beam Facility has been upgraded. Improvements include a renovation of the chambers themselves to vastly improve noise on the signals. An extensive study was done to find the most efficient gas for operation, and a completely new electronics read-out system has been created to improve reliability, and system compatibility. Users can now have an ASCII file for each run to merge into their DAQ system, and an event display.
Primary Authors:
SKUP, Ewa (Fermilab) <eskup(a)>
SOHA, Aria (Fermilab) <aria(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Track classification:
Sensors: 1c) Gaseous Detectors
Experiments: 2a) Experiments & Upgrades
Data-processing: 3a) Front-end Electronics
Data-processing: 3b) Trigger and Data Acquisition Systems
Presentation type: --not specified--
Comments: This could also be part of a Test Beam track
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
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Submitted on: 11 November 2013 22:22
Title: New High Rate Tracking area
Abstract content
A new area for beam tests of high rate tracking devices is being commissioned at the Fermilab Test Beam Facility. The new area is in the MTest beam line upstream of the pinhole collimator in the MT3 Alcove. This area is suitable for tests of detectors with modest transverse dimensions. High rate tests will use 120 GeV protons. The maximum rate available is approximately 2.5 GHz/cm2(1E10 particles/spill). A Patch panel for signal and high voltage cables links the enclosure alcove area with the MS3 service building, where experimenters can monitor their apparatus. Network fiber is installed between the two areas, with capabilities for general network access and private network capabilities. A remotely controllable motion table is available so users can perform beam scans, and move detectors completely into and out of the beam, without making accesses to the beam enclosure.
A new area for beam tests of high rate tracking devices is being commissioned at the Fermilab Test Beam Facility. The new area is in the MTest beam line upstream of the pinhole collimator in the MT3 Alcove. This area is suitable for tests of detectors with modest transverse dimensions. High rate tests will use 120 GeV protons. The maximum rate available is approximately 2.5 GHz/cm2(1E10 particles/spill). A Patch panel for signal and high voltage cables links the enclosure alcove area with the MS3 service building, where experimenters can monitor their apparatus. Network fiber is installed between the two areas, with capabilities for general network access and private network capabilities. A remotely controllable motion table is available so users can perform beam scans, and move detectors completely into and out of the beam, without making accesses to the beam enclosure.
Primary Authors:
SOHA, Aria (Fermilab) <aria(a)>
Abstract presenters:
SOHA, Aria
Track classification:
Sensors: 1b) Semiconductor Detectors
Sensors: 1c) Gaseous Detectors
Sensors: 1e) Novel technologies
Experiments: 2a) Experiments & Upgrades
Presentation type: --not specified--
Comments: Would also be appropriate for a Test Beam category.
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by:
Submitted on: 11 November 2013 22:14
Title: Improvements to the Fermilab Test Beam Facility
Abstract content
The Fermilab Test Beam Program provides flexible, equal, and open access to test beams for all detector tests, with relatively low bureaucratic overhead and a guarantee of safety, coordination, and oversight. The facility provides a multitude of particle and energy types, as well as an array of instrumentation with an extensive infrastructure.
Recently Fermilab went through a 14 month downtime for accelerator and facility upgrades. During this time, many extensive upgrades were made to the facility including temperature regulation, remote control systems, and instrumentation upgrades.
The Fermilab Test Beam Program provides flexible, equal, and open access to test beams for all detector tests, with relatively low bureaucratic overhead and a guarantee of safety, coordination, and oversight. The facility provides a multitude of particle and energy types, as well as an array of instrumentation with an extensive infrastructure.
Recently Fermilab went through a 14 month downtime for accelerator and facility upgrades. During this time, many extensive upgrades were made to the facility including temperature regulation, remote control systems, and instrumentation upgrades.
Patch Panel, Cable, & Network Upgrade
Insulation of MT6.2 Enclosure
Addition of 2C hut
Camera Upgrade
Alignment Laser Upgrade
Communication System Upgrade
Tracking System Upgrade
Control Rooms re-configuration
Electronics Room Re-configuration
Motion Table Control System Upgrade
Primary Authors:
SOHA, Aria (Fermilab) <aria(a)>
Abstract presenters:
SOHA, Aria
Track classification:
Sensors: 1a) Calorimetry
Sensors: 1b) Semiconductor Detectors
Sensors: 1c) Gaseous Detectors
Sensors: 1d) Photon Detectors
Sensors: 1e) Novel technologies
Experiments: 2a) Experiments & Upgrades
Presentation type: --not specified--
Comments: Would belong in a Test Beams track
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