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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
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Submitted on: 31 January 2014 23:38
Title: Calibrating photon detection efficiency in IceCube
Abstract content
The IceCube neutrino observatory is composed of more than five thousand Digital Optical Modules (DOMs), installed on the surface and at depths between 1500 and 2500 m in clear ice at the South Pole. Each DOM incorporates a 10” diameter photomultiplier tube (PMT) intended to detect light emitted when high energy neutrinos interact with atoms in the ice. Depending on the energy of the neutrino and the distance from debris particle tracks, PMTs can be hit by up to several thousand photons. The number of photons per PMT and their time distribution is used to reject background events and to determine the energy and direction of each neutrino. The detector energy scale was established with good precision independent of lab measurements on DOM optical sensitivity, based on light yield from stopping muons and calibration of ice properties. A laboratory setup has now been developed to more precisely measure the DOM optical sensitivity as a function of angle and wavelength. DOM sensitivities are measured in water using a broad beam of light whose intensity is measured with a NIST calibrated photodiode. This study will refine the current knowledge of IceCube response and lay a foundation for future precision upgrades to the detector.
Primary Authors:
WENDT, Christopher (UW Madison / WIPAC) <chris.wendt(a)>
TOSI, Delia (UW Madison / WIPAC) <delia.tosi(a)>
Abstract presenters:
WENDT, Christopher
TOSI, Delia
Track classification:
Sensors: 1d) Photon Detectors
Experiments: 2c) Detectors for neutrino physics
Presentation type: --not specified--
Comments: The abstract should appear as "Christopher Wendt and Delia
Tosi for the IceCube Collaboration"
The following email has been sent to TECCHIO, Monica:
Dear Monica Tecchio,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: TECCHIO, Monica
Submitted on: 31 January 2014 22:02
Title: The Data Acquisition System for the KOTO detector
Abstract content
The goal of KOTO experiment at J-PARC is to discover and measure the rate of the rare decay KL -> pi0-nu-nubar, for which the Standard Model predicts a branching ratio of (2.4 +/- 0.4)x10E-11 . The experiment is a follow-up to E391 at KEK with a completely new readout electronics, trigger and data acquisition system.
The KOTO DAQ comprises a front-end 14-Bit, 125MHz ADC board and a two-level hardware trigger electronics. The ADC board injects the frontend detector signals into a low pass filter before digitization. The digitized pulses are stored inside a 4 μs deep pipeline while waiting for the first level trigger decision, based on a minimum energy deposition in the CsI calorimeter in anti-coincidence with signals in veto detectors. Data is then buffered inside a L2 trigger board, which calculates the center-of-energy of the event. Data accepted by the second level trigger board is read out via a front panel 1Gb Ethernet port into a computer cluster through a network switch using UDP protocol.
After several commissioning runs in 2011 and 2012, KOTO has taken the first physics run in May 2013. We will review the performance of the DAQ during this run as well as plans to upgrade the clock distribution system and the overall trigger hardware connectivity. Finally we present a redesign of the Level 2 trigger and readout electronics able to accommodate the increase in data rate expected in the next few years.
Primary Authors:
XU, Jia (University of Michigan) <jiaxu(a)>
SHARMA, Arjun (University of Chicago) <arjunsharmatejinc(a)>
TECCHIO, Monica (University of Michigan) <tecchio(a)>
CAMPBELL, Myron (High Energy Physics) <myron(a)>
AMEEL, Jon (U) <sivaluna(a)>
SUJIYAMA, Yasuyuki (Osaka University) <sugiyama(a)>
CARRUTH, Celeste (University of Michigan) <cceleste(a)>
WHALLON, Nikola (University of Michigan) <alokin(a)>
SU, Stephanie (University of Michigan) <stephsu(a)>
MICALLEF, Jessica (University of Michigan) <jessimic(a)>
HUTCHESON, Melissa (University of Michigan) <melhutch(a)>
CAI, Tejin (University of Chicago) <tejinc(a)>
SHARMA, Arjun (University of Chicago) <arjunsharma(a)>
Abstract presenters:
XU, Jia
Track classification:
Data-processing: 3b) Trigger and Data Acquisition Systems
Presentation type: --not specified--
The following email has been sent to DE LA TAILLE, Christophe:
Dear Christophe De La Taille,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: DE LA TAILLE, Christophe
Submitted on: 31 January 2014 20:08
Title: performance of 2nd generation CALICE ASICs (HARDROC, MICROROC,
Abstract content
In the framework of CALICE, EUDET and AIDA programs, technological prototypes for ILC calorimetry have been developped. They rely dout ASIC on highly integrated readout ASICs to perform signal readout, auto-trigger and energy measurement over several millions of channels. Ultra-low power is achieved thanks to power pulsing, which must maintain calorimetric performance. The chips developped for the various types of calorimeters (RPCs, Micromegas, Si diodes or SiPMs) have now been tested extensively on test bench and test beam and the most sallient features will be presented.
Primary Authors:
DE LA TAILLE, Christophe (OMEGA Ecole Polytechnique & CNRS/IN2P3) <taille(a)>
Mr. DULUCQ, Frederic (OMEGA-Ecole Polytechnique-CNRS/IN2P3) <fdulucq(a)>
CALLIER, Stéphane (OMEGA / IN2P3 - CNRS) <callier(a)>
MARTIN CHASSARD, Gisele (OMEGA (FR)) <gisele.martin.chassard(a)>
SEGUIN-MOREAU, Nathalie (Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR)) <nsmoreau(a)>
Mr. RAUX, Ludovic (OMEGA Ecole Polytechnique & CNRS/IN2P3) <raux(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Mr. RAUX, Ludovic
Track classification:
Sensors: 1a) Calorimetry
Presentation type: --not specified--
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
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Submitted on: 31 January 2014 18:16
Title: The Askaryan Radio Array: Detector Design & Operation
Abstract content
The Askaryan Radio Array (ARA), currently under construction at the South Pole, is a large-scale cosmogenic neutrino detector designed to observe the coherent radio pulses associated with neutrino-induced cascades in the radio-transparent cold Antarctic ice. The detector incorporates novel bore-hole antenna designs, RF over fiber technology, custom ASIC digitizer, FPGA-based triggering, and ruggedized embedded computer systems all deployed in the South Pole ice sheet.
Primary Authors:
DUVERNOIS, Michael (University of Wisconsin) <duvernois(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Track classification:
Experiments: 2a) Experiments & Upgrades
Experiments: 2c) Detectors for neutrino physics
Presentation type: --not specified--
The following email has been sent to SANTONICO, Rinaldo:
Dear Rinaldo Santonico,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: SANTONICO, Rinaldo
Submitted on: 31 January 2014 18:13
Title: New materials for the RPCs of the next future
Abstract content
RPCs presently working in many accelerator and cosmic ray experiments are made up with resistive plates of phenolic laminate (improperly referred to as “bakelite”) or glass. They are operated with gas mixtures mostly constituted of C2H2F4, i-C4H10, and small amounts of SF6. In the next future however all these materials should be reconsidered for different reasons. Indeed for the resistive plates a mechanically more stable material than phenolic laminate would be of great interest to improve the RPC performance and a lower resistivity glass would also be crucial to improve the glass-RPC rate capability. Concerning the gas, an alternative to the use of C2H2F4 will be needed to reduce the environment impact (measured by the GWP) and possibly the cost of the present gas mixtures. Finally new types of front end electronics, which should be considered as an intrinsic part of the detector, will be crucial for any further development. A last relevant point in the search for new materials will be the cooperation with the industry, not only for the procurement of the items needed for the RPC construction but also in the perspective that some new RPC application could be of interest even outside of the Particle Physics community. The proposed talk will focus the present situation concerning the search for new materials for the RPCs to be developed in the next future.
Primary Authors:
SANTONICO, Rinaldo (Universita e INFN Roma Tor Vergata (IT)) <rinaldo.santonico(a)>
PAOLOZZI, Lorenzo (Universita e INFN Roma Tor Vergata (IT)) <lorenzo.paolozzi(a)>
DI STANTE, Luigi (Dipartimento di Fisica(RomaII)) <luigi.di.stante(a)>
PASTORI, Enrico (INFN Univ. di Roma II) <enrico.pastori(a)>
LIBERTI, Barbara (Universita e INFN Roma Tor Vergata (IT)) <barbara.liberti(a)>
CARDARELLI, Roberto (Universita e INFN Roma Tor Vergata (IT)) <roberto.cardarelli(a)>
AIELLI, Giulio (Universita e INFN Roma Tor Vergata (IT)) <giulio.aielli(a)>
DI CIACCIO, Anna (Universita e INFN Roma Tor Vergata (IT)) <anna.di.ciaccio(a)>
Dr. CAMARRI, Paolo (University of Roma "Tor Vergata") <camarri(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Track classification:
Sensors: 1c) Gaseous Detectors
Presentation type: --not specified--
The following email has been sent to Dr. WOODY, Craig:
Dear Craig Woody,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: Dr. WOODY, Craig
Submitted on: 31 January 2014 18:04
Title: Design Studies of the Electromagnetic and Hadronic Calorimeters
Abstract content
The PHENIX Experiment at RHIC is planning a series of major upgrades that will transform the current PHENIX detector into a new detector, sPHENIX, which will be used to carry out a systematic measurement of jets in heavy ion collisions in order to study the phase transition of normal nuclear matter to the Quark Gluon Plasma near its critical temperature. The baseline design of sPHENIX will utilize the former BaBar solenoid magnet and incorporate two new calorimeters, one electromagnetic (EMCAL) and another hadronic (HCAL), that will be used to measure jets in the central region. The calorimeters will cover a region of ±1.1 in pseudorapidity and 2pi in phi, and will result in a factor of 6 increase in acceptance over the present PHENIX detector. The HCAL will be first hadronic calorimeter ever used in an experiment at RHIC and will enable this first comprehensive study of jets in heavy ion collisions. It will be based on scintillator plates interspersed between steel absorber plates that are read out using wavelength shifting fibers. It will have a total depth of ~ 5 Labs that will be divided into two longitudinal sections, and will have an energy resolution ~ 50%/√E for single particles and <100%/√E for jets. The EMCAL will be a tungsten-scintillating fiber design, and will have a depth of ~ 17 X0 and an energy resolution of ~ 15%/√E. Both calorimeters will be read out using silicon photomultipliers and waveform digitizing electronics. In addition, it is planned to add a preshower detector in front of the EMCAL that will consist of ~ 2 X0 of tungsten absorbers and silicon strip detectors in order to improve electron and single photon identification. This talk will discuss the detailed design of both calorimeters and the preshower, and the construction of the first prototypes of each of these devices. These prototypes were recently tested in a test beam at Fermilab and the first preliminary results of those tests will be presented. A discussion of additional upgrade plans that will transform sPHENIX into ePHENIX, which will be a detector for a future Electron Ion Collider at Brookhaven, will be discussed in a separate contribution to this conference.
The PHENIX Collaboration is planning a series of major new upgrades that will transform the current PHENIX detector at RHIC into a new, multipurpose detector that will be used to carry out a systematic study of jets in heavy ion collisions in order to study the Quark Gluon Plasma near its critical temperature, and to study polarized electron-hadron and electron-ion collisions at a future Electron Ion Collider at Brookhaven. The first in this series of upgrades is sPHENIX, which will utilize the BaBar solenoid magnet and instrument it with two new calorimeters, one electromagnetic and one hadronic, that will have full azimuthal coverage and cover 2.2 units of rapidity, thereby increasing the current PHENIX acceptance by a factor of six. The sPHENIX hadron calorimeter will be the first hadronic calorimeter ever used in an experiment at RHIC, and will enable the first study of jets at RHIC that utilizes a complete jet energy measurement. The evolution of sPHENIX to ePHENIX, which will be a new detector for eRHIC, will be described in a separate contribution to this conference.
The hadronic calorimeter will be a steel plate and scintillating tile design that is read out with wavelength shifting fibers and silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs). It will incorporate a novel design feature where the steel plates are oriented parallel to the beam direction so that they also function as the flux return for the magnet. This results in the steel plates being wedged shaped and that the sampling fraction changes with depth. However, the calorimeter will be divided into two longitudinal compartments, which allows the measurement of the longitudinal center of gravity of the shower, and thereby an event by event correction for the longitudinal shower fluctuations. It will be divided roughly into 1/3 for the front section and 2/3 for the back section, and each section will oriented at a small angle with respect to the incoming particles. Scintillating tiles are interspersed between the steel plates and read out using wavelength shifting fibers. The fibers are bundled and read out using 3x3 mm3 silicon photomultiplers (SiPMs) which operate in the fringe field of the solenoid magnet.
The EMCAL will be a tungsten plate and scintillating fiber design with the plates and fibers oriented approximately along the incoming particle direction, as in the HCAL. In order to prevent channeling of particles through the calorimeter (i.e., particles that could only interact in the scintillator), the plates and fibers will either be tilted at a small angle with respect to the incoming particle, as in the HCAL, or the plates and fibers will have an accordion structure that will prevent any direct particle path through the scintillator. The fibers are brought to the back of the calorimeter where the light is collected by an array of light collecting cavities that form the readout towers and direct the light onto SiPMs. The EMCAL will have a Moliere radius ~ 2 cm and a radiation length ~ 7 mm.
Both calorimeters will use the same SiPMs and readout electronics, thereby simplifying the combined calorimeter design and resulting in an overall cost savings. The SiPM signals are amplified by custom designed preamplifiers that provide feedback for correcting the bias voltage to compensate for gain variations with temperature. An LED monitoring system is also incorporated for gain monitoring and calibration. The signals are digitized using flash ADC electronics that was used for a previous PHENIX detector.
There have been detailed design and simulation studies for both the EMCAL and HCAL and prototypes of both calorimeters have been constructed. These prototypes will be tested in a test beam at Fermilab in February 2014 where their actual performance properties will be measured. In addition, we plan to test a prototype of a silicon-tungsten preshower that would go in front of the EMCAL in the sPHENIX detector. This talk will describe the detailed design of both calorimeters and the preshower, including Monte Carlo simulations, and will discuss the first results from the prototype beam tests.
Primary Authors:
KISTENEV, Edouard (Department of Physics) <kistenev(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Track classification:
Sensors: 1a) Calorimetry
Presentation type: --not specified--
Comments: This talk is related to a separate submission for an
overview talk on the future upgrade plans for PHENIX
The following email has been sent to Dr. WOODY, Craig:
Dear Craig Woody,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: Dr. WOODY, Craig
Submitted on: 31 January 2014 17:58
Title: Future Upgrades for the PHENIX Experiment at RHIC: From sPHENIX
Abstract content
The PHENIX Experiment at RHIC is planning a series of major upgrades that will enable a comprehensive measurement of jets in relativistic heavy ion collisions, provide enhanced physics capabilities for studying nucleon-nucleus and polarized proton collisions, and allow a detailed study of electron-nucleus collisions at a future Electron Ion Collider (eRHIC) at Brookhaven. These upgrades will include a number of major new detector systems. The first stage, sPHENIX, will utilize the former BaBar solenoid magnet and will include two new large calorimeters, one electromagnetic and another hadronic, for measuring jets in heavy ion collisions. These calorimeters will cover a region of ±1.1 in pseudorapidity and 2pi in phi, and will result in a factor of 6 increase in acceptance over the present PHENIX detector. Plans are also being developed to add a preshower detector in front of the electromagnetic calorimeter and additional tracking inside the magnet. The current RHIC schedule would allow the installation of sPHENIX to take place starting around 2017-2018 and begin taking data ~2020. Following this, RHIC would be transformed into an Electron Ion Collider and additional detectors would be added to sPHENIX to convert it to ePHENIX which would serve as a detector for eRHIC. This would involve adding additional tracking in the form of a central TPC and a system of GEM trackers, a high resolution crystal endcap calorimeter, a forward electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeter, and a set of particle id detectors, including a DIRC, a gas RICH and an aerogel detector. This talk will discuss the evolution of the current PHENIX detector to sPHENIX and ePHENIX, the R&D that is being pursued to develop the various detectors that will be needed, and the opportunities and challenges for each of their technologies. A separate contribution to this conference will describe the central electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters for sPHENIX, including results from a recent beam test of prototypes of both of these detectors at Fermilab.
The PHENIX Experiment has been running at RHIC since 2000 and has accumulated a wealth of data on relativistic heavy ion collisions, nucleon-nucleus collisions and polarized proton collisions. It is one of the major RHIC experiments that contributed to the discovery of the Quark Gluon Plasma and is still in operation today. It has been focused on the systematic study of the QGP near its critical temperature using a variety of different probes, but questions such as how and why the quark-gluon plasma behaves as a perfect fluid in the vicinity of strongest coupling (near 1–2 Tc) can only be fully addressed with jet observables at RHIC energies which probe the medium over a variety of length scales. Comparing these measurements with ones probing higher temperatures at the LHC will provide valuable insight into the thermodynamics of QCD.
PHENIX in its present form covers roughly half of the full azimuthal acceptance and 0.7 units of rapidity with a suite of different detectors, including an electromagnetic calorimeter. In order to increase this coverage for a complete systematic study of jets, the PHENIX Collaboration is proposing a new upgraded detector, sPHENIX, that will utilize the former BaBar solenoid magnet and instrument it with two new calorimeters, one electromagnetic and one hadronic, that will cover the full azimuth and 2.2 units of rapidity. The hadronic calorimeter will be a steel plate and scintillating tile design that is read out with wavelength shifting fibers and silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs). The EMCAL will be a tungsten-scintillating fiber design that will also be read out using SiPMs. There are also plans to add a silicon-tungsten preshower detector in front of the EMCAL. The initial tracking system for sPHENIX will utilize the existing PHENIX silicon vertex detector, and will add additional silicon tracking layers in the future.
The current plan is to run with the existing PHENIX detector through 2016 followed by the installation of sPHENIX in 2017. Data taking with sPHENIX would begin ~ 2020 and last 2-3 years. This would then be followed by the transition of RHIC to an Electron Ion Collider (eRHIC), which would collide electrons, initially up to 10 GeV, with hadrons up to 250 GeV and heavy ions up to 100 GeV/A. eRHIC will allow a detailed study of the spin and momentum structure of the nucleon, an investigation of the onset of gluon saturation in heavy nuclei, and the study of hadronization in cold nuclear matter. sPHENIX will also be transformed into a new enhanced detector, ePHENIX, that will provide the necessary capabilities to study this new physics. This will include the addition of a high resolution crystal calorimeter in the electron going direction and a forward spectrometer in the hadron going direction. The forward spectrometer will consist of an EMCAL and HCAL, similar in design to the central sPHENIX calorimeters, along with a gas RICH that utilizes a photosensitive GEM detector and an aerogel Cherenkov detector. The central region will be augmented with a fast drift TPC with a GEM readout and full azimuthal coverage a DIRC detector. Additional GEM trackers will also be added to the central, forward and backward going regions. The plan would be for eRHIC and ePHENIX to start taking data sometime in the mid to late 2020’s.
This talk will describe the long range plans for RHIC and the PHENIX detector, but will focus mainly on the new detectors and technologies that are planned for sPHENIX and ePHENIX. The two new calorimeters for sPHENIX have already undergone considerable design and prototypes of each detector have been constructed. These prototypes will be tested at Fermilab in February 2014 and preliminary results from these tests should be available by the time of the conference. The calorimeters and the test results will be described in a separate contribution to the conference.
Primary Authors:
Dr. WOODY, Craig (Brookhaven National Lab) <woody(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Dr. WOODY, Craig
Track classification:
Experiments: 2a) Experiments & Upgrades
Presentation type: --not specified--
Comments: Request Overview Talk This talk will also reference a
separate talk on the sPHENIX calorimeters
The following email has been sent to NAKAMURA, Katsuro:
Dear Katsuro Nakamura,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: NAKAMURA, Katsuro
Submitted on: 31 January 2014 17:56
Title: Development of a Data Acquisition System for the Belle II
Silicon Vertex Detector
Abstract content
The Silicon Vertex Detector (SVD) is one of the main detectors in the Belle II experiment (KEK, Japan) which takes essential roles in the decay-vertex determination, low-energy-track reconstruction, and background rejection. The SVD consists of four layers of Double-sided Silicon Strip Detectors (DSSD) and is being developed toward the start of the Belle II experiment in 2016.
Due to more than 220,000 strips in the whole SVD and the Belle II maximum trigger rate of 30 kHz, the integration of a large number of readout channels and the reduction of data size are challenging issues on the development of the SVD readout electronics. APV25 chips are employed to read the DSSD signals, and Flash-ADC (FADC) boards digitize and decode the outputs of the APV25s. To increase the integration density of the readout channels, one FADC board processes 48 APV25 outputs with one FPGA. The FPGA performs pedestal-subtraction, two-step common-mode correction, and zero-suppression for the sake of the data reduction.
The development of the first prototype of the SVD readout system was completed in Dec. 2013, and the performance study of this system was done in an electron beam at DESY in Jan. 2014. In the beam test, the prototype system was implemented into the Belle II DAQ for the first time and the whole data-streaming was successfully operated.
In this presentation, we will introduce features of the SVD readout system, and report on prototype performance results from the beam test, as well as future prospects for the Belle II experiment.
Primary Authors:
NAKAMURA, Katsuro (KEK) <katsuro(a)>
BERGAUER, Thomas (HEPHY) <thomas.bergauer(a)>
CASAROSA, Giulia (INFN Pisa) <giulia.casarosa(a)>
FRIEDL, Markus (HEPHY) <markus.friedl(a)>
HARA, Koji (KEK) <koji.hara(a)>
HIGUCHI, Takeo (Kavli IPMU (WPI)) <takeo.higuchi(a)>
IRMLER, Christian (HEPHY) <christian.irmler(a)>
ITOH, Ryosuke (KEK) <ryosuke.itoh(a)>
KONNO, Tomoyuki (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.) <konno(a)>
LIU, Zhen-an (IHEP) <liuza(a)>
NAKAO, Mikihiko (KEK) <mikihiko.nakao(a)>
NATKANIEC, Zbigniew (IFJ) <zbigniew.natkaniec(a)>
OSTROWICZ, Waclaw (IFJ) <waclaw.ostrowicz(a)>
PAOLONI, Eugenio (INFN Pisa and Univ. of Pisa) <eugenio.paoloni(a)>
SCHNELL, Michael (Univ. of Bonn) <schnell(a)>
SUZUKI Y., Soh (KEK) <>
THALMEIER, Richard (HEPHY) <richard.thalmeier(a)>
TSUBOYAMA, Toru (KEK) <toru.tsuboyama(a)>
YAMADA, Satoru (KEK) <satoru.yamada(a)>
YIN, Hao (HEPHY) <hao.yin(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Track classification:
Data-processing: 3b) Trigger and Data Acquisition Systems
Presentation type: --not specified--
The following email has been sent to SFORZA, Federico:
Dear Federico Sforza,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: SFORZA, Federico
Submitted on: 31 January 2014 17:53
Title: Construction and test of high precision drift-tube (sMDT)
chambers for the ATLAS muon spectrometer
Abstract content
For the upgrade of the ATLAS muon spectrometer in March 2014 new muon tracking chambers (sMDT) with drift-tubes of 15 mm diameter, half of the value of the standard ATLAS Monitored Drift-Tubes (MDT) chambers, and 10 $\mu m$ positioning accuracy of the sense wires have been constructed.
The new chambers are designed to be fully compatible with the present ATLAS services but, with respect to the previously installed ATLAS MDT chambers, they are assembled in a more compact geometry and they deploy two additional tube layers that provide redundant track information.
The chambers are composed of 8 layers of in total 624 aluminium drift-tubes.
The assembly of a chamber is completed within a week.
A semi-automatised production line is used for the assembly of the drift-tubes prior to the chamber assembly.
The production procedures and the quality control tests of the single components and of the complete chambers will be discussed.
The wire position in the completed chambers have been measured by using a coordinate measuring machine and cosmic ray muons tracks in a test stand with two MDT reference chambers.
New high precision drift-tube chambers with a tube diameter of 15 mm, a factor of two smaller than the standard Monitored Drift-Tube (MDT) chambers, have been developed for the upgrade of the ATLAS muon spectrometer in the 2013-2014 shutdown of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.
The new chambers consist of 624, 2.2 m long, aluminium drift tubes deployed in 8 layers, for a total with a width of 1.2 m, and an accuracy of 10 $\mu$m in the positioning of the sense wires.
The new chambers operate with the same Ar:CO$_2$ (93:7) gas mixture at 3 bar pressure and the same read-out electronics as the present chambers.
The tube layers with 78 drift tubes each are arranged in two multi-layers of 4 tube layers separated by a spacer frame containing an optical alignment system which monitors deformation with few micron precision. The smaller tube diameter allows for more tube layers and, therefore, more tracking redundancy and for about a factor 10 higher rate capability in the neutron and gamma ray environment of the ATLAS muon spectrometer.
Extensive quality control tests are employed to ensure the high reliability of the detector.
The drift tubes are assembled and tested prior to the chamber construction using semi-automated wiring and testing stations where the wire tension, HV leakage current and gas leak rate of each drift tube are measured, quality controlled, and stored in a database. The chamber is then assembled with a procedure that allows to complete a 4 layer sub-section of the chamber in less than two working days.
After the assembly the geometry of the chamber is tested using a precision 3D-position measurement machine and a cosmic ray test facility with two MDT reference chambers with precisely known wire position and geometry.
Primary Authors:
KORTNER, Oliver (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D) <okortner(a)>
KROHA, Hubert (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D) <kroha(a)>
SCHWEGLER, Philipp (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D) <philipp.schwegler(a)>
SFORZA, Federico (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D) <federico.sforza(a)>
Abstract presenters:
SFORZA, Federico
Track classification:
Sensors: 1c) Gaseous Detectors
Presentation type: --not specified--
The following email has been sent to GERALIS, Theodoros:
Dear Theodoros Geralis,
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Conference: Tipp 2014 - Third International Conference on Technology
and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Submitted by: GERALIS, Theodoros
Submitted on: 31 January 2014 17:27
Title: A real x-y microbulk Micromegas with segmented mesh
Abstract content
We present for a first time, the development of Micromegas detectors based on Microbulk technology with segmented mesh. The space charge produced within the amplification volume induces both signals and the mesh strips provide the y coordinate while the anode strips the x coordinate. The manufacturing of a segmented mesh simplifies the x-y readout that up to now was produced in a complicated and delicate way due to the x-y strips formation (x-pads link in the front and y-pads link via through holes in the back plane) and had a high risk of deteriorating the detector quality or even damaging the detector in the last stages of construction. This R&D is a project supported by the RD51 collaboration. The design and manufacturing has been optimized and produced segmented mesh Microbulk Micromegas with excellent properties in Energy resolution, stability and good position resolution. We have designed appropriate FE-electronics for providing the bias HV to every individual mesh strip and reading it out. The design aims to an ultra low background, ultra low threshold detector appropriate for rare event searches, thanks to its low material budget that may further improve the excellent Microbulk technology background properties close to ~(few)x10-7 cnts/keV/cm2/s. We will present details of the design and the manufacturing of the segmented mesh microbulk, results on the detector performance, prospects for further improvements and possibilities that open for rare processes, neutron detection and other applications. We believe that this design constitutes a break-through in the Micro Pattern Gaseous Detectors developments.
Primary Authors:
Dr. GERALIS, Theodoros (NCSR Demokritos) <geral(a)>
Mr. AZNAR, Fransisco (University of Zaragoza) <faznar(a)>
Dr. IGUAZ, Fransisco J. (University of Zaragoza) <fjiguaz(a)>
Dr. DAFNI, Theopisti (University of Zaragoza) <tdafni(a)>
Dr. FERRER RIBAS, Esther (IRFU Sacaly) <esther.ferrer-ribas(a)>
Dr. PAPAEVANGELOU, Thomas (IRFU Sacaly) <thomas.papaevangelou(a)>
Dr. DAVENPORT, Martyn (CERN) <martyn.davenport(a)>
Dr. FERRY, Serge (CERN) <serge.ferry(a)>
Mr. KALAMARIS, Athanasios (NCSR Demokritos) <kalamaris(a)>
Dr. KEBBIRI, Mariam (IRFU Saclay) <mariam.kebbiri(a)>
Abstract presenters:
Dr. GERALIS, Theodoros
Track classification:
Sensors: 1c) Gaseous Detectors
Presentation type: --not specified--