Dear Sir/Madam,
I applied for the conference fee waving and my Ph.D guide also sent the required recommendation letter. Kindly, tell me the status of my application as soon as possible, so that I may proceed for the travelling grants.
Thanks and regards!
From: Ranjeet Ranjeet
Sent: 31 March 2014 09:16
To: TIPP2014(a)
Cc: go2ashu(a)
Subject: Application for conference fee waiving
Dear Sir/madam,
Thanks for providing me a excellent opportunity to present my research work in the upcoming TIPP-2014 conference (Abstract Title:Development of Radiation Damage Model using TCAD tools for Irradiated Silicon Sensors).
I am a Ph.D student working in Department of Physics, University of Delhi, India and getting only 250€ equivalent Indian rupees as fellowship/month. So, It will be really difficult for me to attend the conference (Travel + Conference fee would be ~ 1500€, which is around six month salary of mine !). Hence, It would be really helpful for me if the Organizers could waive my registration fee (I would try to get the travelling support from Department of Science and Education, Indian Govt.). It will be great dismay for me if I could not present my results due to financial constrains on such an excellent platform.
Thanks and regards!